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I am not a doctor. If you think you may need medical treatment, please go to the nearest urgent care facility.

I have tried to mke this page as non-triggering as possible. However, if you feel the need to harm yourself, try scrolling down to the suggestions part of this page.

My name is Alex. I'm 20 years old and first started hurting myself when I was 12. It started with making a tiny scratch down my arm with a safety pin. One of the last times I've cut, it was 7 cm long, a half inch wide and required 9 stitches. There was (and still is) painful nerve damage as well as numbness throughout my forearm. I created this page to try and help others who struggle with the same problem as I do. I do not condone self-injury; I recognize it as a coping mechanism that no longer serves me. It has stopped making me feel better. So even though I still get the urges sometimes, I know how to use the tools I have to deal with my feelings in constructive ways.

I am also an active member in a 12 step program that deals with all types of drug addictions. If you think you may be a drug addict, please click here to go the Narcotics Anonymous Homepage. Or you could take this self-evaluation. I see self-injury and drugs as ways to not feel my feelings and to escape from reality when I don't want to deal with it.

I do, however, take psychiatric medications as they are prescribed to me from my doctor. I find them helpful and do not feel that they get in the way of my recovery. For more information on various psych meds, please click here. To read some of my poetry, click here. BE CAREFUL, SOME OF IT MAY BE TRIGGERING. Or you could read some really meaningful Nine Inch Nails lyrics. Books I've read on self-injury.

When I feel like I have to hurt myself, I try to answer some questions. Personally, it helps me to write them out, but you can also do it in your head.
  1. Why do I feel I need to hurt myself? What has brought me to this point?
  2. Have I been here before? What did I do to deal with it? How did I feel then?
  3. What I have done to ease this discomfort so far? What else can I do that won't hurt me?
  4. How do I feel right now?
  5. How will I feel when I am hurting myself?
  6. How will I feel after hurting myself? How will I feel tomorrow morning?
  7. Can I avoid this stressor, or deal with it better in the future?
  8. Do I need to hurt myself?

Often I'm asked why I cut, what exactly goes through my brain when I pick up the blade or what ever. Although these aren't all reasons for me personally, some are, and some may be for other. Miller (1994) and Favazza (1986, 1996)