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Warming Families is a new crafting project to get everyone
involved in helping to provide handmade blankets(knitted,
crocheted, or quilted),hats, scarves, slippers,laprobes,adult bibs, gloves or mittens,etc.

for the homeless families at shelters, nursing & care homes, domestic abuse shelters, & foster care facilities.

There are several ways you are able to help this worthy cause.
First of all, if you cannot or are not able to knit, crochet or
quilt the blankets then maybe you can donate the yarn or
materials necessary to make them.  Any amount, large or small
is very much needed.
Secondly, we need volunteers to donate their time and skills to
make them.  We accept completed blankets, hats, gloves or mittens as
well as 6" and 12" crocheted squares.  If you have a blanket to donate,
email me and I will give you my mailing address.
Lastly, we all like that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you do
something good or can help out in any way.  The little bit of time and
effort that it takes us to make them will come back to us tenfold!  Every
effort is greatly appreciated by the ones in need.


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