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[Wed, April 25th 2012...4:04am]
Welcome ... I have decided to get off my ass and do something here so we will see what comes about ... Enjoy.

- SpeK

[Saturday, March 10th 2007..6:54am]

·  Welcome... Honestly I have nothing to tell you....

- SpeK




[Saturday, March 12th 2006..8:44pm]

·  Look at you... My gawd you're one worthless mutha fucka if your finding your way to this site.... Well.. Atcually ... yeah, you're pratically one worthless fuck....

·  Atcually now that I think about it .... My life isn't so bad ... after all.... you're the one who took the time to come here and continued to read when it obvioulsy looks closed, and has been for sometime now ...

·  Uhh... yea ... im out dis bitch to go start the journey of my day...hopefully I will get sidetracked and eat some bad type of "berry" and get lost in a fukt up intence hullicination and wake up to you walking in your bedroom door to find me laying in your bed with your younger sister, current/and or eks gurlfriend and yo mutha fukn momma ... whois behind tha kamera.....

- SpeK


[Wednesday, January 4th 2006..1:50pm]

·  Fuck Christmas, and New Years...throw a happy in their as well if you find tha room....Fuck fuck... peep it... phuck it all.....

Well anyway ... So what's good...Im currently moving from location to location callin it home... It's simplistik catch tha vibe....?

Im out...gotta go make big important decisions that have a direkt impakt upon my future....

- SpeK


[Monday, November 21st 2005..11:13pm]

·  so not alots changed except for tha fact im kickin at a homies krib and i had nothing else better to do so i decided to come update the main page...i don't know why since no one ever comes here anymore, i can't really blame yall.....i don't wanna come here anymore either....but i found my way back...

damn, how could i let something like this go from what it was to what it had become....fuk, this used to be the place to kick it all tha time no matter what time of day or year.... i suppose all of us grow up and adventure into new things, and as well times...

so with that in mind....Fuck You.... ha...

- SpeK


[Tuesday, March 23rd 2005..1:28am]

·  Fuck You

- SpeK