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WillowHawk's Forest

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 ThisKindred Spirits Webring site is owned by Crystal Willow.

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Merry Meet Everyone! I hope that you are having fun looking at my boring website! Or as I'd like to call it, a Forest. Feel free to weave in and out of the trees and bushes. :) Oh and the fae will be here to assist you. If you can find them that is. They seem to like to play games. So have fun looking around!

Sorry for such a messy website, it's been my little play pin lately. I've needed to get away from reality so i'm working here. At least till I go to Mexico. Yep, i'll be leaving for mexico in a week. :0) So you guys won't see me for 2 or 3 weeks. This also means my ezine will be held off till I get back. I should probably tell you about that huh? *lol* I have a Writing Ezine that is sent out once or twice a month, depending on submissions. You can submitt anything really. Anything from Poetry-Thoughts-Short Stories Just email me at and put SUBMIT in the subject line. If you want to know more just email me with INFO and I'll send you some.


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Above is a list that I own. It's to help ANY teen, ANYWHERE in the world with problems they face from day to day. Since I am a teen(16), I might be able to help. If I can't help, then maybe some other member can help you. Either way, this is a good group(although just starting out). I hope that you guys choose to join. Oh here is a little thing talking about what it is(in more depth):

»»» Teen Help Online ««« ~sometimes it's good to vent~ want some online buds that'll be there when your down? that'll listen to your probs and try to help you out? or will just let you let it all out? then why not join the new eGroup: Teen Help Online to recieve all of that and more! »»» Teen Help Online «««

Please remember, NO PUTDOWNS, RACIAL SLURS OR JUDGEMENTAL PHRASES TOWARDS ANY AGE GROUP. Might I remind everyone, this is not a list to put others down, that's not what life's about. Life's about keeping peace with not only oneself but with others as well. ~Keeps yourself focused on fixing the issue, and it will be fixed.~


  • Updated: July 28th, 2000
  • Brightest Blessings to those who decided to look at my site!
  • Welcome! Email me if you have any comments or suggestions please!
