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Toby's Family Pics

ABOVE BOTH: Dad, Mom, Sister Sarah, and Brother Daniel @ Soap Lake in Washington BELOW LEFT: That's me taking picture of myself. I would have smiled but I caught myself off-gaurd. Actually I was just trying to use up the film so I could get it developed BELOW OTHERS: Sarah at her finest

ABOVE LEFT TWO: Dan the Man, with a smile and a GameBoy. He's Available!! ABOVE RIGHT: What life looks like from my front door at home BELOW LEFT: My siblings and I pose at a family reunion at the Brownsville Park BELOW RIGHT: Idaho's beautiful Sawtooth Mountains

ABOVE LEFT: Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River in Washington. It is the largest concrete structure in the world, 600 feet high. You can only see 250 feet above water (and on the down-river side!). ABOVE RIGHT: A look almost straight down at one of the 3 turbine sections. Grand Coulee by itself has the capability of supplying the entire Western United States with electricity BELOW: A "close-up" view of one of the generators. Grand Coulee was built during the FDR administration as an irrigation project that is still in progress

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