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Amanda's Memorial Garden
On May 27, 2000, many friends and family gathered to celebrate Amanda's life and dedicate this Memorial Garden. Father Marion from St. Bede conducted the dedication and blessing of the pond. This view shows the tree that was planted in memory of Brooke, Bob, Devin and Amanda. (Together on the Photo Tribute Page) The Robinson and Anderson families were able to attend the celebration and dedication.

Also announced at the dedication was the first annual "A Walk with our Angels" which will be held Sunday, September 24th at the Putnam County High School Track. It is a FREE walk to remember all of the young people we have lost in Putnam County. A program followed by a 2 mile walk is planned, with memorial luminaries that can be purchased. More details will come at a later time.
Tracy (Amanda's sister.) See Amanda Gapinski in Darren's Friends Album

Shannon's Memorial Garden
On May 21, we had a celebration. We released notes to Heaven carried by brightly colored balloons. We planted flowers in our Memorial Garden and moved the Angels to the living trees there. We shared memories of good times and found ways to fill our hearts with all of the love that our children bring to our lives. For those children whose families couldn't be with us, surrogate families volunteered. Each one of our guests chose an Angel, each smiling face was lovingly remembered and cherished. We have received photographs of other Angels since our Angel tree was born, and even though my heart aches for the families of each one... as we place their photo among the others I am blessed to have met another of Shannon's new friends.

I only wish that each of you could visit our garden. There is such peace there and hope that together we will not only survive, but find joy in the gift we were given with each child and find a way to honor their lives with our own. We may never meet in person, but our lives are intricately connected and I know that we will never really be alone.

If you would like to place your Angel among ours, please visit Shannon's site for directions ANGELS WHISPERS  Jan & Jules Broom

I just had to show you a close-up of Darren's angel photo in the trees in Shannon's Garden. Jan sent this to me after their ceremony. I love it! (Julane)

Johnny's Angel Garden
    I have my tiny third floor balcony filled with flowers, lights, angel statues, a bird bath and small fountain. This is where I have coffee early in the morning, in quiet solitude, listen to the sounds of nature and honor my son's spirit and renew mine. I can watch the sun set from here at night and enjoy my beautiful flowers. This little flower garden brings me peaceful moments to remember the happy memories I shared with my beloved son Johnny, who is now an angel in Heaven. Rosemary's son:
10/28/61 - 5/3/99

In Progress for Melissa and Brian

I have very nice flowering perrennials in the front, but the backyard, bordered by state forest land, is the memorial garden. I've planted a pink weeping cherry tree for Melissa, flanked by salmon pink azaeleas. Considering white birch tree for Brian, white birch is sacred to our tribe. In autumn, I'll plant more daffodils back there, and some other early spring things. I gaze out at it all the time, sliding glass door divides kitchen table from deck that overlooks garden. Dramatic climbing clematis will cover the boulder border.
Peace and hugs,Trish in R.I.
See Melissa and Brian McGuire in Friends in Heaven Photo Album


 The Compassionate Friends Memorial Garden

These photos were sent to me by Liz Hodge. The photos are of the local TCF group's memorial plaque and garden in Michigan. Liz and Mike's son is Chris Hodge. See him in Darren's Friends Album



School's Memorial Garden This is a photo of the Memorial Garden in Nina's school in Qatar - American School of Doha.

We had three students die, one of cancer, Kristen Scofield, one from a car accident, Lanny Schiefle and then Nina Al-Misnad by a car accident.

We had the bench made to honor Nina. It has butterflies engraved on it. The manager of the shop ended up giving it to us for Nina. Also, we donated the big pots and flowers. At the end of the school year, the graduating class dedicated a plaque (behind the bench, covered in velvet) to the students who died. Nina was on top as she should have been graduating in the Class of 2000. The garden was financed by the students, faculty and parents of ASD. Love, Evelyn (see Nina Al-Misnad in Darren's Friends in Heaven Album)

Justin's Roadside Garden

Here is the ~J~ I made. I also made one last year. It is right below Justin's cross at the accident site. The guy across the road has taken care of the lawn around it very nicely. See Justin VanBuskirk (with more beautiful photos) in Darren's Friends in Heaven Album.




St. Sabastians School Statue
We have a statue and a small garden dedicated to the memory of my son Christopher at his school, St. Sebastians. These are some quotes from the dedication of that statue.
Today we praise you for the gifts of the Spirit bestowed on Christopher in whose memory we dedicate this statue and for all children who now share God's heavenly home. May we follow in the footsteps of the Lord, keeping before us the example of faith and love that is shared by the Faller family.

God, we thank you for this day, a day to honor Christopher's memory in a special way. May God's crowning glory, and the joy of all the saints, continue to bestow the blessings of eternal live on all children. Amen. (See Christopher Faller in Darren's Friends in Heaven Album)


A Rock Garden for Louise Torres

I don't know what to write about this little rock garden under the weeping willow tree - you need to see the whole web page. It is just darling with names of angels on the rocks and a story about the tree. Go see at Louise's Garden


Angels for Donnie's Garden
I lost my beautiful 28 yr. old son Donnie in July 1999 when he fell asleep at the wheel and died instantly. Many times since, I have been sitting outside near the memorial garden I made for him, and bird feathers will drift down onto my lap. I have saved feathers from Mourning Doves, Bluejays, Mockingbirds, and even a large hawk feather that I happened to look down and find under the large maple in our yard. I like to think he sends them, because I am usually thinking of him when it happens. I have saved them all near his photo on my bookshelves.

I love to sit near the garden and find such peace there, listening to beautiful wind chimes that are hung from the carport near the garden. I found a perfect statue of a little boy reclining and reading, a pastime my Donnie loved. And of course I added angels. In the spring I have Impatiens and then plant Pansies... and in the fall mums. there is a lilac bush planted there also, and a stand from which I hang two potted plants. Many butterflies come by in spring and summer to whisper love from my son.

Michelle Marie's Garden

Here is the front view of the center of Michelle's Garden, remember, her garden is very long and shaped like wings or like a heart shape. I would say her garden is a total of about thirty feet long. We have so many trees I cannot get a picture of it all from the front, sorry.


In the larger view photo, you can see the Cherub Angels bench seat made of concrete my beloved hubby got for me two years ago, it is in back and to the right before the swingset.
(Please visit Michelle Greever's website from Darren's Friends In heaven Album)

A rose garden for Bob
This is my rose garden that I started this past May in celebration of Bob's 21st birthday. Each year I will add to it with all my love for Bob. The angel at the base of the rose tree was given to me by my son and his fiancee and Bob for my bithday. I will forever treasure this special angel.
The center is a red rose tree and it is surrounded by red and red/yellow mini roses. These roses were in constant bloom from May, Bobs birth month, right through October, Bobs heaven month. Whenever we look at this rose garden, we see Bob with love.
(Please visit Bob Mullen's website from Darren's Friends In heaven Album)  

Please send me your photos of gardens you have created as a memorial to your children. You can do it the same way as for Tribute Page photos. See the bottom of the main page at Angel Hugs. The link is below. Thank you so much for always coming through for us. These are virtual visits we can make with each other. Hugs to all of you, Julane  Email Me


Darren's Friends in Heaven Photo Album


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