When Fate's The Boss
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Now that you know

Exactly how I feel,

It may take awhile

For my heart to heal.

At least I don't have to wonder

What if you had only known?

Maybe another time, another place,

Something more might have grown.

So now I continue down the path

That Fate has woven for me.

Eventually I will find somebody new,

Yet in my mind I will always see.

The gleam in your eyes

When you know you've told a good joke,

And the pain in your eyes

When you know you're going for broke.

When my thoughts turn to you,

I will let out a sigh,

Trying not to wish things could have been different,

And trying not to cry.

Maybe we'll meet again someday,

Maybe our paths will cross,

But I guess that's what happens,

When you let Fate be the boss.