He Died To Live
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In memory of Ryan Long 1981-1997 We miss you.

Late at night I receive a call.

The tone of voice on the other end

Makes me find the nearest chair.

"Janelle, Ryan's dead."

At first I refuse to believe it.

I accuse my best friend of playing a sick joke.

But she insists that it's true,

And I realize that she is telling the truth,

And in my grief I start to cry.

Two years ago those three words changed my life.

Each year as the anniversary draws nigh

I can't help but think about what might have been.

I never told him that I loved him.

I never told him that he was wanted.

I never told him that he was my friend.

He died becuase he thought he was unloved.

He died because he thought he was unwanted.

He died because he thought he had no friends.

So when his cousin handed me Ryan's yearbook at the end of the year

I told Ryan that I loved him, that he was wanted.

I told him that he was my friend.

I hope that by telling him this even after his death,

For the sake of his family, of his friends, and for me,

That his memories will have the strength to live on.