Techno_Lust's Domain

Yes, yes, yes. The inevitable parental advisory. This page has nudity, adult language and humor, sexual aides, alcoholic and tobacco references, and all manor of material that may be objectionable to some viewers. I have just one thing to say. If you don't like it, then don't fucking look at it!!!

Hello all my little netlets, your webmistress has finally gotten some time on the computer to fuck around with DHTML. There will be no mouseovers. Don't ask. But I did play with a few text things, I hope you'll like them, and for most (all) of them, you will have to have Internet Explorer v.4 or better. Sorry, but this is what I use, and Netscape hates me. Deal.

Hey, if you're still with me, thanks for visiting my little corner of the web, hope you enjoy yourself while you're here, and come back often... BTW, don't forget to sign the guestbook and check out some of the links!