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Proof that Laguna is Squall's father Some people say that when Laguna went to the orphanage that squall was there already, and that Laguna didn't give a damn about him. Squall was not at the orphanage, he wasn't even born. when Laguna went to the orphanage, he was looking for ellone. when he heard she was taken to Esthar, he went to esthar. when he found ellone, he sent her back to raine, who was pregnant (by laguna's doings of course, because they were married). But Laguna promised Esthar that he would help them. so he sealed adel and became they're presidant. he later found out that raine died while giving birth, and ellone and the child were sent to the orphanage. Laguna was to busy with his work, so he couldn't go and get them. now, squall and ellone are not blood related, because raine decided to take care of ellone when ellone's parents were killed, but since they were sent there together, squall became really attached to ellone, and he was the one who called her sis more than any of the others. and when she was taken away, he was most upset and torn over it. my other bit of evadince is that when laguna, ward, and kiros are on the ragnorak, kiros tells you "you look like your mother" kiros had met raine when he visited laguna. when you talk to ward, he tells you "...." then kiros tells you that he says "good thing you don't look like your father". then when you talk to laguna, he says that he has something very important to tell you when your done with your mission... wonder what could that be? it is fairly obvious that squall is laguna's son.


One patron of my pathetic site signed my journal with some inaccurate information, so i will clarify it now: Raine and Laguna DID get married. during the ending video, after you beat the game, when laguna is off in the field thinking to himself, it shows a flashback of him putting a ring on raines ring finger. she gets all happy and they hug. if that doesnt mean they're gonna get married then i don't know what is. secondly, He states that Ellone is Raines child, this is not true. Ellone lived next door to raine, in the house with all the bullet holes. when you first get control of laguna on the second disk, it shows him walking downstairs in ellones house. ellone runs in, theres a little dialogue, and laguna enounces as hes writing a note to ellones parents "dear ellones parents! ellones been a good girl today, right ellone??" "yup!" and also notice as how ellone addresses raine as Raine and not mom. silly aint it