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Chapter Five


"This was a lot easier when they lived closer"

Connie and Adam were driving round to their friends house. Their friends had recently moved to a larger house. With seven kids in the family, they needed to. The new house wasn't too far if you were in a car, but far enough to make it inconvenient to walk to.

"Are you sure Kim, or whatever, is back yet?"

"Chill Adam, I saw them arrive a few minutes before we left"

"I still don't get why you're so keen for Tay to meet them"

"Its not just Tay, I want Ike and Zac to meet them too.


"Cause it could be interesting"

"How so?"

"You'll see"

Adam frowned. The grin on his sisters' face was a clear indicator that she was up to something. He shook his head as he pulled up to their friends' front gate.

Connie stared in disgust at Adam "How in the name of God am I meant to reach the buzzer thing from here?"

Adam had pulled up too far away from the intercom for Connie to reach…as usual. She got out of the car and pressed the buzzer, then waited for someone to answer.


"Hi, Jessica?, it's Connie."

"Oooo hi Connie, come on in"

She got back in the car as the gate opened.

Avery opened the front door.

"Hey Ave, are your brothers in?"

"Yeah, I think Tay and Ike are up in their room. I don't know where Zac is though"

Adam and Connie walked into the house and up the stairs. Peering round the door post, she saw her two friends sitting on Taylor's bed fiddling with the keyboard.

"Hey you guys."

"Oh, hey Connie, hi Adam"

"What 'ya doin'?"

"Just playing around with the keyboard. What's up?"

"You guys wanna come over and meet our new neighbors? They moved in this morning."

"Uh..well we…." Began Isaac.

"They have a band" Connie said, a smile forming on her face.

Taylor looked up. "You mean like a PROPER band?"

"Dunno. Didn't get time to ask all I wanted to"

Adam burst out laughing "Since when, my darling sister, have you ever had trouble asking all you want to ask?"

Connie give him a shove, then turned back to Isaac and Taylor. "So you guys in?"

"I guess"

Adam looked around "Where's Zac at?"

"Not sure, probably outside somewhere" Isaac responded, gathering up scribbled-on bits of paper from the bed.

"I'll go look for him"

Connie went out to their back yard and scanned it. She noticed a leg dangling from the branch of a tree. Walking over to it, she looked upwards.

"Heya Zac"

Zac jumped slightly "Oh, hi Connie"

"What 'ya doing?"

"Not much, just thinking"

"Oooh, better stop before you hurt yourself"

Zac laughed and threw a twig at her "You moron"

"Ya wanna come meet our new neighbors?"

"Umm…I don't really feel like…."

"Come on. They got a band… and you HAVE to meet the brother."

"What's the band called?"

"Uh…EmaNation or something like that"

Zac sat up. He'd seen a band called EmaNation perform in Florida just before Christmas, and bought their album, and their guitar player looked like Tay, only with long hair. He figured that must be who Kim was talking about.

"Are you SURE they're called EmaNation?"

"Yes Zac, I'm sure, now are you coming, or do I have to climb up there and drag you outta that tree?!"

"Actually yeah, I think I will come."

Taylor swung his Explorer round the corner "So how many of them are there?" 

"I haven't met them yet. Connie's the one who's been bugging them all morning"

Connie gave her brother a whack. "They didn't mind me being there. Anyway. There's Kim, her mom Barbara, or 'Babs', her dad George and her brother Matthew. Although I haven't actually met him yet. I've seen him though"

Connie tried not to laugh as she finished saying it, but her attempts were all too obvious.

Zac noticed and smiled to himself also. Taylor and Isaac hadn't watched EmaNation play in Florida, and therefor had no idea who they were going to meet. Zac was pretty sure HE did, assuming Connie had got the band name right. The next words from her cleared any remaining doubt in his mind.

"Kim said they were in Miami just before Christmas, around the same time as you guys, I think."

"Where'd you say they were from?" Isaac asked, looking into the back of the car where Adam, Connie and Zac were sitting.

"Bend, Oregon"

"Why'd they move" inquired Taylor

"Their parents took over a software company out here and the came to run it"

Taylor guided his car into Connies driveway. Noticing that the removal trucks had gone, Connie led the other four up the neighbors drive.

Zac giggled, noticing the Land Rover on the front lawn.

"That was there earlier too. I think it belongs to Matt." Connie said as she rang the bell.

The response was a yell from inside the door. "COME IN. IT'S OPEN"

She turned the handle and pushed open the door. George and Barbara were both standing in the hall, fighting to maintain control over the boxes they were holding. As Connie, Adam, Isaac, Zac and Taylor entered the house, they froze. Staring at Taylor.

"Hey Mrs Wilson, I brought my brother Adam and our friends Zac, Isaac and Taylor to meet Kim and Matt"

The Wilson parents shook themselves from their staring.

"Hey that's really sweet Connie. And remember, call me Babs." She turned to Taylor " Sorry for staring at you…"


"…Taylor. Hey that's Matthew's…nothing. It's just that you look like….nevermind..nice to meet you all. Go on upstairs. Kim's just finishing organizing her room. KIMBERRRRRLEEEEY? CONNIES HERE WITH HER BROTHER AND THREE FRIENDS"

The five walked up the stairs, Connie noticing that the place wasn't any less of a mess than it was earlier. Still boxes everywhere. It looked like they might actually be breeding.

Kim came out of her room just as the six reached the top of the stairs.

"Hi Kim, I brought a few people to meet you. This is Isaac, my brother Adam, Zac and Taylor."

They exchanged 'hellos'.

Kim stared at Taylor "Good GOD! You look just like…only with shorter….doesn’t matter"

Taylor turned quickly to Connie, seeing a broad grin on her face. She knew about this. She was up to something.

"Come on in to my room, I'm just finishing unpacking some clothes" Kim led them into her room.

Connie positioned herself on a box "So how'd the meeting with the decorator go?"

"He dumped us. We told him what we wanted to do with the place and he didn't like it, and when Matty described his plan for a psychedelic paint job in his room, the guy freaked. His exact words were 'I vill not associate vith ze shit zat you suggest'"

Adam laughed "Sounds like a nice guy"

Adam, Isaac and Taylor were sitting on Kims bed, while Zac and Connie sat on boxes. Kim walked back and forth to the closet unpacking clothes. She stopped and looked at them, shook her head and continued, then stopped again.

"You guys look familiar. What were your names again?"

"Zac, Taylor and Isaac" Zac responded, trying not to laugh. If Kims brother looked a lot like Taylor and they had a band, then Zac figured that realizing Hanson were in their house could have amusing results. Connie was grinning too.

Kim repeated the names to herself, then frowned "What are your LAST names?"

Zac sniggered "Hanson"


"OH MY GOD!! YOUR….ITS…IN OUR…" Kim burst into laughter "Matty is just gonna DIE…you might too when he sees you Taylor…SHIT"

"Umm…it doesn’t exactly sound like he's a fan" Isaac said, feeling a little nervous.

"Yeah…uh…don't get me wrong, he likes some of your stuff…it's just that…well…"

A sudden shout came from the hall "KIMERLEY?!"






"Language you two" Came the disapproving tone of their dad from down stairs.

"English Georgio"





Kim and the others heard a clatter of wood as Matt dropped the lengths of wood he was carrying. He picked them up again, and struggled up the stairs, mumbling expletives about the still-persistent cat.

"I presume that was your brother"

"Oooh Isaac Hanson, you genius you!" Kim said sarcastically.

"What exactly is his deal with us"

"Well first up Taylor, his middle name is..well…Taylor…and…."

"So everyone calls him Hanson or something?"

"Well yeah, that too, but….you'll see" Kim smiled. "Come on and I'll introduce you all. You'll see what I mean. He'll either laugh or shoot you"

They followed Kim out the door and along the hall to the stairs to up to third floor.

"You guys got the third floor done too? Why didn’t you just level the house and start over"

"Don't give my parents ideas Connie, they just might"

Taylor and Isaac looked at each other as they followed Kim, Connie, Zac and Adam up the stairs. They felt a little like Daniel in the lions den. They were being taken to meet someone who had issues with them and may not respond favorably to having Hanson in their house. Great.

Zac, meanwhile, was filled with curiosity. He new who they were going to meet. Would Taylor remember Matthew from the café in Miami? It would be interesting to his reaction.

Entering the third floor room they peered around. It was a big room. Larger than Kims, with dormer windows on three sides and a walk-in closet leading to an en-suite bathroom.

"OK where the hell is he?" Kim muttered, failing to locate her brother.

Then they heard a thump from under the bed, followed by what sounded like cursing. Kim bent down to look under the bed.

Adam, Isaac, Taylor and Zac took the opportunity to admire the view of her…

"Perverts" Connie said, shaking her head.

"Peek-a-boo" Kim said, looking under the bed "Uh what exactly are you doing under here Matthew?"

"The bed nearly collapsed so I'm shoring it up with some wood I found in the garage" he replied

"Uh..right…well I brought the neighbors and their friends to meet you. I think you should meet them"

"Hi-de-ho new neighbors" Matt called from under the bed.

Kim stood up again, noticing the four guys turning their eyes innocently towards the ceiling.

"He loves doing that hi-de-ho thing, you know like Wilson from Home Improvement."

Zac smiled "Cause of the name thing?"


A few more head bumps and expletives later, Matt crawled out the other side from under the bed. He stood up, catching the suddenly-surprised stares of Connie, Adam, Zac, Taylor and Isaac.

Matthew's eyes traveled along the five. He recognized Zac almost immediately from Miami. He hadn't forgotten that look Zac had given him. His met those of Isaac, who he recognized from Miami also, and then to Taylor.

For a few moments, Taylor and Matthew stared at each other.

Taylor was stunned "My God, this guy looks just like ME…with long hair"

So was Matthew "Freakin' hell, this guy looks like ME…with short hair""

The others watched this staring match, then Kim decided it was time for the intro's.

"Matthew, this is Zac, Connie, Isaac, Connies brother Adam, and Taylor" Kim deliberately separated the Hanson names to delay Matts response.

Another sea of 'hello's' followed. Matthew went over the names in his head. Taylor. Couldn't be. Not THAT Taylor. That thought was pushed to one side when he realized that Taylor was the third guy at the Miami café. The one with the hat.

"Miami…before Christmas"

Taylor and Isaac had reached the same realization

"Oh yeah, you were the guys who walked straight in the water"

"Yup" Kim said proudly. She and Connie looked at each other. Matthew had recognized Taylor, but hadn't actually RECOGNIZED him. Connie spotted a box, which contained an opportunity to give Matt a hint. She walked to the box and picked up the CDs inside.

"MMMBop, Boomerang, Middle of Nowhere, Snowed In….you like Hanson, Matty?"

"Oh, those…everyone keeps giving me those cause…."Matt froze. There was a Taylor, an Isaac and a Zac in his room. Couldn't be "….cause they think I …look like Taylor Ha…Ha…Ho…Ho…HOLY SHIT…it's…it's…YOU!"

Kim and Connie grinned at each other. Their job was done. Isaac and Taylor looked at each other, still having that lions den feeling. They jumped when Matthew kicked the bed.

"If in doubt, kick it" Matt said, smiling. Isaac and Taylor relaxed a bit. Maybe they'd survive this after all.

"Zac, I've heard your specialty is jumping on beds. Would you care to test this one to see if I've it fixed right"

"But of course" Zac grinned, accepting Matthews invitation to jump on the bed. "Seems fine to me"

Isaac and Taylor rolled their eyes, while Zac finished jumping and leapt to the floor.

"Where'd the cat you were complaining about go?" Kim asked. Looking around.

"I put it on the roof ledge out side the window. It can get off the roof if it really wants to" Matthew resumed unpacking "So now that I'm in my own personal hell, I guess I might as well get used to it"

Adam, Zac, Connie and Kim all grinned. The Hansons started looking around the room, having gotten over the initial shock.

Isaac noted the drums, keyboard and guitars lying in one corner. "So you guys have a band? What kinda music do you play?"

"Sort of moderate/heavy rock mixed with grunge" Kim replied

"How many of you are there again?" asked Zac, taking a seat on a box.

"Four of us originally - myself, Kim, our cousin Shane and Kims boyfriend Kyle. Now we've convinced Shanes sister Amy and Kyles sister Sara-Jane to join. They're all still in Oklahoma City. Sara and Amy play violin and cello and they got asked to play in some classical music show there"

"I would also point out that Sara-Jane is Matthews girlfriend"

"Kim, we've had this conversation before, we're not…."

"Oh surrrrrrrre Matt, whatever"

Sensing a possible domestic, Connie interjected with another question. "So are you guys signed or anything?"

Matt smiled proudly "Yeah, we got our own label, Em Corp Records, and we got our first studio album, Deadly Nightshade, coming out in a few months."

"Cool name" Zac said, looking at the stuff in some of the boxes next to him.

"So what about you guys?" asked Kim "We haven't heard of you in like a year."

"We've been recording our new album in LA" Taylor said defensively "Its called This Time Around. It’s a totally different sound to the other stuff we released. More grown up"

Matthew frowned as he noticed Zac looking at the floor as Taylor said it.

"LA huh? We've been freezing our butts off in New York recording ours. So when are you guys releasing…"


"This Time Around" Isaac said, slightly irritated that Matt had forgotten the name already.

"….This Time Around?"

"Second week in May hopefully"

Kim and Matthew stared at Taylor, open mouthed.

"Are you kidding? PLEASE tell me you're kidding.

" there a problem?"

Matthew rummaged for his cellphone. Finding it, he selected a speed dial number.

"Who are you calling?" Connie inquired

"Our manager, she's in OK City with the others"

Isaac and Taylor listened intently to the one sided phone conversation that followed.

"Hello, Amanda, its Matt….yeah the moving is going fine. But we gotta small problem here….well you know how we scheduled the album release so that it wouldn't clash with any big name releases….well we need to re-schedule….Hanson are releasing their new album This Time Around at the same time as Deadly Nightshade….they told me…Hanson….no I'm NOT drunk. They're standing in front of me this very minute…do you have to laugh so loud?….There's one good thing though, he's cut his hair short…Taylor…. Island who?….Island Def Jam?…Oh, as in Mercury….no don't do that. That's a little drastic….."

Taylor and Isaac looked at each other. What was meant by "that drastic"? What was this Amanda person suggesting. They listened again as the Matthew finished his phone call.

"….yeah don't tell the others….I wanna see the look on their faces….Ok bye…."

Matt put the cellphone down again.

Taylor eyed him suspiciously "What was all that about?"

"Nothing don't worry about it. We just have to move our release date. We don't want to clash with anyone, especially you guys, considering… know..."

"What did you mean when you said 'that drastic' What did she suggest"

"Doesn't matter, she was just gonna contact someone at your record company to try and get them to move your release date. Amanda knows a lot of people. She used to be in advertising before her and her husband Ed got into entertainment management"

Taylor choked. Change THEIR release date? Who the hell did this Amanda person think she was? Just because she was a woman didn't give her the right to try and mess up their plans! These people could be trouble. Taylor could feel it. Isaac was thinking along similar lines.

Adam decided to break the silence that had developed "Do you have a CD of your stuff that we could hear?"

"Yeah sure, Matt where did you put them?"

"In that box there"

Kim took the CD and put it in Matts stereo, which she first had to find. She had to find the power socket as well. While the CD was playing, Zac was tapping his foot. Isaac and Taylor had a look of bemused look on their faces. Adam and Connie looked slightly surprised but seemed to like it.

"So what 'ya think?" Kim asked, taking the CD out.

Zac was the first to respond "Cool. Kinda Sonic Youth-meets-Nirvana-meets-Def Leppard. I like it"

Taylor shot him a glare, then shot another one at Adam.

"Yeah loud, but cool" Adam said, stroking his chin.

"Umm different..kinda raw" Connie said.

Kim looked towards Isaac and Taylor "How about you two?"



Kim and Matt frowned. Neither Taylor or Isaac sounded complementary. Another silence followed. This time it was broken by Zac.

"What instrument do you play Matt? Can you play the drums?"

"I play the electric and acoustic guitar. I can play the drums a bit, but I'm not that good.."

Kim giggled "He can play Zacs drum solo from MMMBop"

"Yeah but I'm not that good at…."

"Awh come on Matthew, lets see what you got!" Zac said, smiling.

"Alright Zachary, you asked for it!" Matt assembled the drum kit and sat down. "Put MMMBop on the stereo. I'm only gonna do this with a backing track"

Connie handed the single, which she'd just found along with every other Hanson single, to Kim. She put it on the CD player. Matt started drumming, then when the moment came, proceeded to frantically pound the drum kit. He was actually doing quite well. He had timed it right and had got the rhythm right….then one of the drum sticks flew out of his hand, over his shoulder, out the window, smashing it, and knocked the unfortunate cat off the roof ledge outside.

"What in the name of…"

George and Barbara looked at each other. They'd been standing in the living room looking out at their new back yard, discussing how they were going to change it. Then a cat and a drumstick had landed on the lawn. 

Barbara looked at her husband, then at the champagne glasses they'd both been sipping.

"OK, either we've had too much to drink, or else a cat and a drumstick just landed on our yard"

They both sat their glasses down.

 Matthew looked at the smashed window, then looked back at the others, smiling as if proud.

"Now see that’s why I was never any good at baseball"

"Exceptionally fine shot" Zac said, laughing.

Matt grinned at Zac slyly "I SAW the Grammy Awards"

"Oh...uh…like I said, you’re a very talented drummer"

Kim smiled broadly "Now you guys know why I'M EmaNations drummer"

"Hey Matt, whats in this thing?" Zacs attention had been drawn to a wooden cabinet thing sitting on the floor. It was long and quite thin.

"Allow me to show you" Matthew took a key out of his pocket and opened it "Behold, my armory"

Zac, Adam, Connie, Isaac and Taylor stared at the contents of the cabinet. Two riffles and a hand gun.

"Uh why do you need THREE guns?"

Matt smiled at Taylor " Three guns, three Hansons. YOU do the math. Seriously though, Sara-Jane and my dad bought me the riffles as presents. I bought the hand-gun for protection of my property. Anyone tries to steal my guitar and I'll put so many holes in 'em, they'll look a sieve."

"Yeah, Matt and our dad try to wipe out every species of wild life they can. They go fishing and my dad tries to kill all the fish, while Matthew here takes out as many land animals as possible"

"You'll have to forgive my sister, she's a tree-hugger"

"Am not. Besides if I tried hugging any trees near you I'd probably get shot at."

"Can I hold one of 'em?"

"Sure Zac…just make sure you don't shoot Taylor. I'd be devastated" Matt said, oozing sarcasm.

Taylor looked alarmed "You mean they're loaded?"

"Relax Taylor, it was a joke….This guy needs a sense of humor"

Zac examined one of the riffles. Fascinated. "Where does your dad like to go to fish?"

Kim giggled "The Taylor River in Colorado. We have a cabin there, near Crested Butte. My dad loves fishing there. That’s how Matt got his middle name."

"Yeah, his favorite places are the Taylor River, the Willamette River in Lane County and the Deschutes River that runs past Bend. Can you imagine if my parents had called me Matthew DESCHUTES Wilson?! Shiver!"

Taylor told Zac to stop messing with the gun. Zac looked to Matthew who signaled his approval for Zac to continue holding it. So Zac did just that. Much to the chagrin of Isaac and Taylor. Taylor silenced his growing irritation by asking a brave question.

"So..uh…Matt…what do you think of…you know..our music…?"

"You want the diplomatic version or the honest version?"

"The…honest version." Isaac immediately got the feeling he was going to regret his choice.

"OK. Middle of Nowhere was pretty good, although putting Madeline on it instead of Cry was a bad idea. Snowed In was really cool. On Three Car Garage, you were too low in places, Taylor was too high and you should have re-recorded the songs before releasing it. Taylor goes 'wow' and 'yeah' way too much and on your live shows, Isaac, your microphone is never loud enough. But apart from that, you're fine."

Zac couldn't help laughing. Taylor and Isaac were quietly fuming. He knew it. And none of Matthew's artillery fire had been directed at him.

"Umm…right well we gotta go…do homework" Taylor was making excuses. Connie and Adam knew it but decided not to push it.

"I'll see you guys out" Kim said, leading the five out of Matts room.

"See ya Matt"

"Uh yeah, sure thing Zac"

Connie held back to talk to Kim, as the others walked to Taylors car.

"Kim what's Mattys cellphone number?"


"Just curious…"Connie had that mischievous look on her face again. Kim scribbled the number on a piece of paper and handed it to Connie.

 Matthew watched as the Hansons walked down the drive and over to Connies drive. He frowned. There was something odd about them. Taylor and Isaac seemed….well they weren't like he expected them to be. Zac, on the other hand was almost exactly as he expected him to be. He was cool. So if Zac was, why weren't Isaac and Taylor?

Maybe they were just a bit up tight about the new album. After all, Hanson hadn't released for a year or more. And they'd also just met the spitting image of Taylor, who was also in a band and had just moved onto 'their spread'. Matthew had also been pretty direct in his opinion of Hanson. But he hadn't been too harsh had he? Zac certainly didn't seem to mind.

Kim sneaked up behind her brother, poking him in the ribs and ripping him abruptly from his thinking.

"So what do you think now that you've met your idol, little brother?"

"I dunno…they seemed a little…."

"WEIRD?" Kim asked giggling

"Oh very funny"

"Seriously though. I think I know what you mean, they were probably just surprised at how you look"

"Yeah maybe"

Kim patted Matt on the shoulder. "It's OK little brother, I know you were disappointed they didn’t sing MMMBop"

"Shouldn't you be unpacking or something?"

Kim turned and left her brothers room, grinning broadly.

Matthew resumed his attempts to organize his room. He turned around, took one step forward, tripped over a box and fell flat on his face on the floor.


"So what'd you guys think?" Connie asked as she got in the car.

Taylor frowned "Jesse James crossed with Richie Rich and the Adams Family…with a manager who thinks she's God. I'm jumping with joy"

"Don't be such a spud Tay, we have money too. And I thought they were cool"

Isaac and Taylor glared at Adam, then at Zac who was nodding in agreement with Adams view.

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Chapter Six coming your way. When Something In The Way continues. Soon.