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Marvel Girl

"Morning, Boys! Am I interrupting an intellectual conversation, or just standard macho nonsense?"

Real name:Jean Grey

Place of origin: ?

First appearance:X-Men #1

Powers:Telekenesis, also a slight telepathic ability aquired later in the series

Origin:One of Xavier's first 5 students, Jean Grey came to the school to learn to use her powers to the benefeit of mutant/mankind. Later she became posessed by the entitiy known as the Pheonix, a celestial being of pure energy that later went insane and took Jean along with it. Jean has now expelled the Pheonix Force and is herself once again.

Status:Non-active, living in Alaska with her husband, Scott summers.

Relations: Scott Summers(husband), Alex Summers(brother in-law), Christopher Summers(Corsair, father in-law), Nathan Christopher(step-son), Raechel Summers(daugter), Madelyne Pryor(Jean's clone)

Affiliations:X-Men, X-Factor
