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Cecelia Reyes

"Is your accent as real as the lung cancer that cigarette's going to give you?"

Real name:Cecelia Reyes

Place of origin:

First appearance:X-Men #65

Created by:Carlos Pacheco and Scott Lobdell

Powers:Able to created a psioplasmic field that extends 6 inches from her body. This is triggered by outside force and Cecelia is not able to control it.

History:Cecelia was once approached by Xavier, offered a chance to learn about her powers and perhaps even make a difference with the X-Men, but she refused him. She had lived a somewhat simple life as a doctor, but after Operation Zero Tolerance, she was exposed to her coworkers and the world. She was then forced to join the X-Men for her own safety. Soon after Zero Tolerance, she called quits on the X-Men and found a job in Salem as a doctor, and still helps the X-Men from time to time but not as an active member.




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