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The Mock Farm


Lafayette, Oregon, 97127






This webpage is to preserve the memory and photos of the Mock Farm, which is being developed into "Morgan's Vineyard".


The Marr family owned the farm since the 1800’s, and was inherited by Tipton Marr and Crystal Ann Mock Marr. Crystal was born November 2nd, 1890, in Kansas. They were married August 28, 1912, in Osborne, Kansas. Tipton’s family had an apple orchard on the property, and had a fruit stand. The old barn was built by the Marrs.


Tipton died in 1943, and the farm went to Crystal.


Crystal sold the farm to her nephew, Floyd Alvey Mock in 1946. Floyd was born February 18, 1907, in Osborne, Kansas. He married Margaret Fischer on April 5, 1940, at Stevenson, Washington. Margaret was born February 11, 1911.


Floyd and Margaret had a home built at the top of the hill there, in the late 1940’s.


Here is a photo of it:


Here is a photo of the house Crystal lived in, after she married John Pitman, after Tipton Mar died:


That house still stands at the corner of sixth & Jefferson in Lafayette, but had siding put on in the early ‘70’s, and has recently been remodeled with an extra bedroom and deck.


The author knew Crystal Pitman from 1972 through 1984.


Crystal Ann Mock Marr Pitman died January 18, 1984, after selling her home to Elva Williams and her husband, of Carlton, Oregon.


The Mock Farm produced apples and walnuts. Plum trees were also planted. The Brooks Plum originated in Lafayette, Oregon in the 1940’s.


During the 1950’s, Margaret’s aunt, Ella Fischer Freeburg, moved into their home, after her husband died. Floyd remodeled the garage—adding a bedroom. Later, Ella married Albert Millsap, who lived across the street from Crystal Pitman, in The Gates House.


For more information on that, see this website:



Floyd Mock was mayor of Lafayette during the 1940’s.


On October 20, 1968, Floyd Mock passed away.


That year, his son planted the fir trees between the apple and walnut trees, in perfect rows and columns. The trees were planted from seedlings that came in the mail. This planting was done so that an agricultural deferment could be obtained for the land, to reduce the property taxes. The lower, north-end of the property was and is a level field, used for wheat production.


The family had thought about a timber sale, but enjoyed the trees as much as Margaret did, and so it grew over the years.


The forest came to be an arboretum, by the meticulous care taken by the family, in pruning the lower limbs, and in picking up the branches every spring, and in frequent mowing.


When Lafayette once again had an elementary school, built in the 1980’s, Margaret was instrumental in having the school named after Josephine Wascher, a local retired schoolteacher, who lived just down Jefferson Street from Crystal Pitman. The author knew Mrs. Wascher, during 1972-1976, and would spend time with her and her sister.


On October 20, 1999, Margaret Mock passed away, and the Mock Home was vacant for four years, until purchased by the author. (The parcel including the home was separate from the farm/orchard property.)


The 25.45 acres of the Mock Farm that remained were sold in July of 2004 to Western Property Investments/DeCal Custom Homes, for the development of The Yamhill Valley Estates. One year later, Pacific Lifestyle Homes took over the property, to develop it into Morgan's Vineyard.

Link to Mock Farm photos webpage: Mock Farm Photo Page )



T. Johnson

Lafayette, Oregon

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