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Lafayette Masonic Cemetery


Mineral Springs Road


Lafayette, Oregon 97127



Please note that the cemetery is private, and is posted No Trespassing, due to periodic vandalism over the years.

Cemetery Sign on Mineral Springs Road

View from gate, up road

View at top of hill, looking into cemetary, with fir trees growing among tombstones

Elbertie E. Olds Gates, wife of Peter P. Gates, Born Aug 1, 1853, died May 28th, 1878, after childbirth

Baby Daughter Gates, Born & Died May 8, 1978

Elizabeth Gates, mother of Peter P. Gates, born Sept 15, 1805 Pennsylvania, died 1871.

Close up of Peter P. Gates tombstone, born Huntington county, Pennsylvania, June 29, 1841, died Gales Creek, Oregon 1894. Poor photo quality due to time of day, face of tombstone in shadow.

View of Gates family tombstones, mother, wife & daughter flat markers, with Peter's a monolith.

View from cemetary to NE, toward Chateau Benoit Winery Vineyards.

Link to More photos and info on Perkins Johnson Olds Clan of Lafayette

Link to Tustin Headstones and Spencers, Dum Tacet Clamat

Link to Additional Names in Cemetery, and historical links

Photos taken December, 2002.

For more information about Peter Gates, and The Old Gates House, click here.

Link to Lafayette Pioneer Cemetery

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