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Kuwari's Homepage

This is Kuwari's site, and it's either dying or trying to be put back together (but most likely dying). Yay, I finally have enough patience and, perhaps, enough time to make this site worth something to me, and maybe other people. This site is under so much construction, it's not even funny. So you're entering at your own risk. It's always going to be changing, so please don't complain. SITE IN THE CHANGING (new update: 12/8/02) Okay, so I have my sketches up... Anti-feline isn't going to be running on this site any longer because Angelfire isn't willing to give me more space for free, and, hey, I barely have enough money for X-mas presents, so buying more space is out of the question. I'll try and update this thingy and fix it, and blah blah blah. It's been kind of rough lately... but, things'll pull together. Sayo.

Picture Galleries

the Anti-Feline Movement.
Kuwari's sketch gallery.
Reluctant Assassin sketches.
