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Klima Raiders camp is the orginal home of the Wolf Brothers. This is where they grew up, and also the camp their father belonged to.

The Raiders were once lead by their youngest brother, REDWOLF. Klima is a camp to be feared.

SENSEI, also known as White Wolf, of the Wolf Brothers, was born in Klima Raiders Camp. When he came of age he moved though the Tahari Desert and out onto the Plains staying briefly with the Kassar. He then moved on across Gor ending up in Port Kar, where he became a sword of The Gorean Shores Tavern. Still he found no peace of mind. He then moved into the Vosk Delta, well past the rence islands to the forest, and there he founded Fur, Silk, and Steel. As Ubar he built FSS to be one of the most feared raiding camps on GOR.

Still feeling there was more for him on Gor, He stepped down as Ubar and traveled. He then returned to FSS to serve not as Ubar, but simply a raider of the camp. He started visiting Port kar more and more frequently. Once again he left FSS and he moved to the place that felt most at home to his restless spirit, Port Kar. There he built the House of White Wolf.

The House of White Wolf is where SENSEI has placed the coveted Wolf Homestone. SENSEI now prevails his fortunes by trading various goods along the coast of GOR with some ships bought from Samos of Port Kar. SENSEI also trades in slave flesh, holding occassional auctions in his house. He then recived word that Klima was in need of an Ubar. He packed up all his belongings, sold his house to his friend and brother Vargyr, and moved back to Klima to rebuild his place of birth.

With life's full circle, SENSEI returned home to Klima Raiders Camp. Sensei and his Fc Ubara Dorna soon had Klima prospering again. Sensei made many travels back and firth to FSS. One night sitting at the fire alone at FSS an assassin's arrow found its target. Sensei was dead.A pyre was had and the warrio was buried. A Wolf Brother rode from Klima to the Pyre. He was known as Kancho. Once Kancho saw his relative put to rest. He returned to Klima. It once agin fourished under a Wolf Brother. Kancho ended up following Sensei's footsteps and moved to FSS and is currently Ubar there. Klima sits and waits for another Wolf Brother to come along and once again mine the salt and give it life.