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The easiest way to classify characters in the Harry Potter books is to say whether or no they are for Voldemort or against Voldemort, and in this way you can basically classify them "moderate" or "evil." This is what I have done on this page. "Moderate" characters are against Voldemort, or they have no opinon, or they are just not part of the plot. I can't really say that all 'moderate" characters are good ones. However, "evil" characters are characters that truly are for a Voldemort-ruled society and hate Muggles, etc.

Then again, things may change. When I first read Harry Potter and the Scorcerer's Stone two years ago I wouldn't have classified Malfoy as evil, but probably under "moderate" because he really imposed no threat and he wasn't especially dark-hearted, just mischevious and malicious at best. But he's changed (more like, gotten worse, and now he's classified under "evil."

...moderate characters...
...evil characters...