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So then, what's the Deal with these 3 ghosts? Shit. I don't know. It seemed funny at the time. Hell, that kind of explains all of Hangnail Industries. It all seemed like a good idea at the time. That's not to say that all of this has been a good idea gone bad... BUT lately it just feels like there's nothing left to do. The Hangnail Industries hitlist had grown incredibly short, and shows coming anywhere near me even shorter, but the major thing that got to me was that I was so incredibly... Oh what's the word for it? Oh yeah, fucking tired of the whole damn thing. See, Hangnail Industries started in a whole different day for me. Since then it's changed more than it should have, and it got to where the only original thing left was the name. So what to do what to do? If you haven't guessed, this is the ghost of xmas past. The last issue of Hangnail Industries as it "used to be". Despair not though, by the time the ghost of xmas future comes around, everything will be okay. God Bless us, everyone, or something.

Now check this shit out!

Now more than ever, the Hangnail Industries mailing list is the place to be. It may not save your life, but it'll keep you from going insane from checking this page every twelve minuutes for updates. To get on, just answer these two questions correctly, and you're in.
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