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Appropriate Technology/Permaculture

It should be evident that since this is a page of links on a WEBSITE, that your humble author is no Luddite. The problems caused by technology cannot be wished away by an idealistic return to rural life. Every family that moves out to the country causes the disappearance of that countryside in the horrifying process of suburbanization. Soon the hills are sprouting identical condos instead of trees. Clearly, any attempt to solve the problems of industrial technology and urbanization must make use of a superior technology to create livable cities and sustainable agriculure. These resources are intended to be a guide for those seeking superior technology. Environmentally Friendly Building Supplies
Alternative Fuel Vehicles (with Lots of other Techno-goodies)
American Hydrogen Association
Intro to Permaculture by Bill Mollison
Permaculture Resources at CSF
Permaculture Magazine (UK)
Permaculture Activist
Plants For a Future guide to Edible Plants
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