Edrx's Linux page

Some Linux tricks

(Note that the things here are migrating slowly to the list of my favorite hacks).

...please don't ask me to explain everything in terms of "press this, type that, do that-and-that"... essentially all my tricks of the last five years are stored in my e-scripts files; they can be executed from emacs by marking a block and running the adequate eev command, and they generally have comments near them with hyperlinks to places I considered relevant at the time. Here I will mostly keep links to some of the nicer e-script chunks.

Here's what I do to recompile the kernel. By keeping some timestamps I'm able to determine which source files were used to build the kernel and the modules, and to index them with glimpse. I compile with debug symbols, so that I can use gdb vmlinux /proc/kcore to inspect its vars. I still don't know how to debug modules or how to use kdebug and kgdb. (Help!)

I've been able to connect a little DOS laptop to my computer via PLIP (using a $12 cable and no extra hardware) by booting a modified Debian rescue floppy on it. Here's how, but my notes are a mess.

Dual Linux. My notes on Dual Linux have moved and now lie on the other side of this link.

I'm trying to write a Tcl interface to the libpcap library, as I don't have neither the time nor the money to learn how the internet works by the books. Here is a link to what seems to be one of basic papers on BPF.

It would be nice if I could pack the minimum tools plus zsh and a stripped-down emacs in few Mb using one of the mini distributions, but I still don't know how... If I remember well, The Linux Router Project (LRP) was the nicest mini distribution I tried, and it (?) used a lovely kernel patch that allowed simple .tgzs instead of filesystem images as initrds. No pointers at this moment, sorry. Anyway, see my Dual Linux page.

This e-script may be useful if you want to install Linux quickly on a new machine: it uses XFree86's video card probing abilities to discover the machine's video card.

Kernel-land links:

I'm addicted to zsh and emacs.


Linux console stuff:
