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About me

Okay folks here we go, I'm gonna tell you all about myself as a person and Digimon fan (I hope). Let's see, I live in Brantford Ont. (Canada just so ya know) and hate this town. It's really boring here when you're too young to go to the casino (not like I ever have the money anyway) and don't work to get the money to go to the movies. *GRIN* I love digimon even though I don't get to see it much and still hope to complete this whole website with bios of everybody and so on..... but anyhoo. I am 16 years old and am in grade 11 at PJ. I am currently failing most of my classes and don't much care (my g/f beats on me enough for both of us.) I love playing an internet game called Achaea which can be reached by clicking on the name. I also love experimenting with code (like this) and any other RPG's out there. I'm currently working on a game called "Lufia 3:The Legend Continues" and I love it. I also love all the final Fantasy games and have beat almost all of them. I like to read and write as well and to see some of my works you can click on the link I'm gonna be making to my Poetry site (which I might not even make, we'll see) Anyway I have a beautiful girlfriend by the name of Jen Marsh and I love her very much. I think that's about it for things you guys should know about me for now..... If I think of anything else I'll be certain to put it on here now that this page is up. Oh thought of something..... My real name is Matthew Kruger.

Oh and keep a watch on this page for pics of me and my g/f and friends.....

My School, Pauline Johnson

My Girlfriend (no that's not me on the left) hanging with one of her fave musicians Adam Gregory. and then two of my favorite things.....the Scenic High Falls in Northern Ontario (although I've never actually been) and (of course) Jen!

I made a page for all my pics of me and my friends, you can reach it by clicking on the pic of me and Jen here
