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**My boyz..i dunno where id go for anything better:**

FIRST OF ALL MIKE: We've been tight forever but just recently have we hooked up. Ive always looked foreward to seein ya and i hope we stay close forever. You mean everything to me and its been so hard to see you go. I never thought that day would come but it did..a lil bit too soon. I dunno what ima do without you around next year. I love ya babe!

And for the other babes..

ANDY: Your sooooooooooo awesome. Chem has been such fun with you. Whoelse would drop that beaker?!? LOL your a sweetie. I mean, no one else is as caring, kind, fun and an all around BLAST. We need to stay friends forever. And your the best running back ever!

DEREK: Brown noser! LOL I think we see a bit too much of each other! Haha remember when we went to the volleyball game? Your too funny.."LOOKS LIKE A GIANT..."Dick.." Way too many fun times with you..I hope we get some classes together next year!

Will: Cute nose! JK you know i love you to pieces. Your a kick to be around and I hope to never get into a fight with you..HAHA! Blazin raisin. We see too much of each other as well. I hope to see you play fball next year. Your too good.

TREVOR: Ive been close with you since I got here. Wow your so fun to be around but a bit too perfect. It bugs me but its all good in the hood. Well except the time you pissed me off and didnt speak to you for 5 weeks. I wish i could take that back. Your an awesome bball player.

RY: Hey you! Its been so fun all the times we've chilled together. Especially at those dances I always have a good time with you. Keep blazin up the bball courts.

CALIFORNIA: Your the best baseball player yet! I wish you tonz of luck in your life. I sure hope you keep in touch w/ me. Lunch has been fun all those times. And when we went to the football game that one time? HAHA! Have fun in college.

Q: Your a freakin awesome person! I love talkin to ya on the phone. Spanish was fun kcin w/ ya. HAHA. Remember the grapes..too funny! You and Jen are soooo cute!

RYAN J: It was fun makin the yearbook with ya. Your a blast to kick it with. Just dont screw up the paperwork next time..HA! Remember the movie at my house?!? LOL your too cool. I hope we can stay friends for a long time.

JMac: Your not all that and a bag of potato chips. So slide on down that hill..LOL. I will see you at church this summer. Well have to get together this summer and make fun of people at the mall and on the road.

GRAY: Your a studmuffin. I wrote that in your yearbook! How are the beaches? Wow your way to fun to be real. I hope we actually get some classes together next year. Keep being a sweetie.

TYLER: Kid, your the ish. I really hope we get a class together next year. Dont be so serious looking all the time! Man it gets old. HAH. Your a good baseball player as well. Get with Kelly, shes cute!

DG: Keep being so cute and they'll come. Your a kick. You'd better see the Mangos next time. I told you id bring the mango pen, and used it in your YB. I hope your satisfyed. Long live the mangos!!

"TOVY": Remember all those girls at the mall that one day? That will forever be my fave memory with you! Don't forget how awesome you are!

DAVID: Much love to you! You are one of the most down to earth "lil kid" I know! I look forward to seein ya here in h.s.

CHAD: Cracker! LOL..ima miss you soooo very much! You were so fun to hang out with. I wish you all the luck in the world in college and in your life. (Cheese)!

MARK: Wow you are funny! One of the most HILLAIR people I know! You cheered me up after Derek. I dunno how Im gonna keep smilin without you here next year!

JACOB: Yup you got mad skills..keep tearin up those soccer fields. And yes Arod sucks now!!

And to all my other know who you are..

**AND TO MAH GIRLZ..that are just plain GREAT. I dunno what I'd do without you:**

ASHLEY: You are my BEST friend and will be forever! Im so glad I got to know you! When I thought about the fact of a new school it was stressing. Then, when I met you I knew everything would be aiight. All those sleepovers, hangin with you (and the fam..LOL), going to dances, the mall, etc etc have been the times of my life..I appreciate you so much!

AMY: Your so very cute! I hope we stay friends for a long time. Come swim in my pool and by the way, don't flash me! Haha, but Derek wouldnt mind!

LACI: Have yourself an M&M. Haha, I love ya to pieces. Im glad to have gotten to know you. Moulan Rouge!

ALISHA: Hey hott stuff! "I luv yu..I luv yu." HAHA your so wonderful. I wish to have some classes with ya. Remember that guy at the lake?!?

KIM: I have connections. You don't. Your not all that and a bag of potato chips. So don't act the your all hot and stuff cuz your not even close. LOSER! (j/k)

MELISSA: OMG, Ima miss you like crazy! What am I gonna do without you around!?! You have been one of my good friends since September. Man weve come a long way since then. Remember when you wore JT's jersey and I wore Ryan's and we were all excited! Haha, we love our men~!

HEATHER: You were a sweeie! Thanks for being there and having fun with me...LOL. Remember our lil secret?!? That was soooo freakin funny! Ima miss you too!!

SC: Your a stud! Keep rackin in those awards. Remember when you were so stressed whenever Derek would walk by, then one time i got pissed cuz he WAS my man. Your a babe..keep smilin

Joulez: You are such a lil cutie pie! I love you to death. And so cheery. I was glad to have gotten to know you over this past year. Its been great chillin with you..and screwin around during the bball games! HAHA!

MELISSA EMI: WOW I MISS YA. You are something sweet. Bas-ket-ball. HAHA, I cant believe you that one weekend. "What's my name babe?" HA! You and Brian were CUTE. OH and when i come down i Wanna meet your "Friend." OH remember the SPA, you'z a Baaaaad Girl.