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Giant's are the huge children of the goddess Earth; siblings of both the Cycops and the Titans. Certain sources say that it was bezause of Zeus overthrowing his father Cronus the Giants became enraged and stormed mont Olympus, hurling huge rocks and tree trunks set aflame. In order to defeat the Giant's, the Olympians needed a mortal, so Hercules was sent for and they won. fThe Giant's form is human, however they are enormous and are so strong the could, well, throw very large rocks! Some other very impressive abilities are that they can roar like thunder, make the earth quake at the mere stomping of a foot, and can snack on people. There are several types of giant's, among the main stream ones there are Irish, English, and Welsh. Irish Giant's are pleasant, English Giant's are evil and make no attmept to hide it, and Welsh Giant's are clever and cunning. All types of Giant's are exceptionally skilled when in comes to smelling. However with all of these monstrous capabilities Giant's lack one very important characteristic: intelligence. It is said that no matter how small of a person you are you can always defeat the most terrible and mssave giant by outsmarting him.