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Terrence Alan Jones

In this book you will find events which are evil beyond comprehension. I will describe to you a dizzying tale of repetitive subterfuge and deceit, subtly woven within a pattern of human hopes and dreams, of failure and of success. This book is an autobiography covering a period of my life and that of my wife, our baby daughter and my three teenage daughters. Many other lives were dramatically affected during this episode, many tragically.

The vast majority of people in America are insulated, both physically and psychologically, from the almost constant barrage of headlines consisting of brutal terrorist acts committed by "Islamic extremists" which intrude into our lives from the Middle East and more recently Africa. The World Trade Center bombing was perhaps for most of us a distant and uncomfortable recognition that Islamic fundamentalism and the political goals that this movement represents actually affects some lives in America.

The revolution in Iran fomented by Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini has had repercussions spreading throughout the Islamic world, emboldening Palestinian and other nationalist Muslim extremist groups and individuals to a religious frenzy that defies imagination.

Does the American public not understand that these same Muslim extremists have at their disposal vast economic resources, and a population of over six million Muslims from which to draw operatives in the US? They have organized an extremely sophisticated terrorist network throughout the US. Many of these men and women are American citizens. Many of them own houses, pay taxes, and are gainfully employed. Most of them are well educated, and many of them are professors at colleges and universities across the country, educating our children on the evils of the US policy in the Middle East. These terrorists have bought motels in cities across America, in addition to check cashing businesses and gas stations. Palestine Islamic Jihad, one of the Islamic terrorist organizations that is known by western intelligence analysts to have an acknowledged presence throughout America receives a minimum of $200 million annually from Iran. Palestine Islamic Jihad, Hamas and Hezbollah are satellite terrorist groups operating in the US under the authority, direction and support of Iran, which has oil revenues in excess of $4.5 billion annually, in addition to other Islamic sponsoring countries such as Syria, Libya and Iraq . They also receive financial and logistical support from Muslim cells throughout the US and Canada, and they have direct ties with and co-operate in cocaine smuggling into the US with the Cali cartel. It is also recognized among intelligence circles that Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah have also been receiving financial and logistical support from the man considered to be responsible for the successful Islamic fundamentalist insurgency in Afghanistan which conquered the army of the USSR, Osama bin Laden. Mr. Laden earned the majority of his fortune, estimated at over $500 million, from his engineering projects throughout the Middle East. Mr. Laden has sworn to similarly cause the demise of the United States of America. I personally know this beast and more than a few of his cohorts all too well.

These men are not kind. They take absolute delight in causing the most unimaginable pain upon men, women and children, while they dance their dance of celebration within their bizarre interpretation of Islam. They truly believe, in truth they have been deceived into believing that they can break all of Mohamed's rules to achieve their aim of global conquest. This is Hamas doctrine I am referring to. This is also Iranian doctrine. This was Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's doctrine, which asserts that the raising of Satan through the live dismemberment and simultaneous sexual desecration of these men, women and children at the moment of their death is their path to the power necessary to cause the destruction of the United States of America.

This book concerns the suffering of my wife and daughter at the hands of these evil beasts. It breaks my heart again and again to relive these experiences, but my wife and I suffer so that others may understand what has occurred, indeed what is still occurring in our country at this time.

Federal agents have sacrificed their lives for us on many occasions throughout our ordeal. Sacrifices made by those who came to understand the hell which these men had put us through, and who understood the sacrifices we were willing to make for our God and for our country. I am speaking of sacrifices which these good people made, and which they continue to make on behalf of God and the people of the United States of America.

To use the word "atrocities" for the acts these beasts committed in the name of Islam is to negate the very meaning of how we perceive language. I am speaking of men who have embraced the unthinkable as their ally, perceiving him to be the one and only true god, so that they may dance in glory, even at the moment of their death, firmly believing that he whom had so severely deceived them may put them at his side at the moment of his triumph, at the throne of this beast whom has forever throughout existence wanted to be called 'god.'

I will therefore show you a reality within which my family has been living which will demand of you that you review the validity of the methods of "Classical Western Scientific Thought" which are fundamental to our education, and to our societal views of reality.

In a very real sense this book concerns religion, as the very real human beings (and those you will find to be of a nature of which you may prefer not to relate to as human) whom you will meet in this book are all by fundamental nature raised and firmly embedded in their respective religions.

I assure you the Islamic fundamentalists do not care how you perceive reality. Hamas doctrine, which embraces all fundamentalist Islam doctrines, proclaims that they will accept Christianity, Judaism, and other religions, but only under the umbrella of Islam.

In your journey through our lives, I would ask only that you keep your mind open, a difficult task at best, I assure you. I was the quintessential "doubting Thomas" throughout most of this ordeal.

My father was not of a religious background. He was baptized a Catholic when he married my mother. Her father was Irish Catholic, and her mother was of Jewish parentage. I offer this information for you to have some foundation with which to see what has taken place.

I can only ask of my readers this: while you are reading this story of my family's hardships and pain, please put you arms around your wife and children, your parents and grandparents, your brothers and sisters. For these evil ones of whom I speak take absolute delight in inflicting the most unimaginable pain on our most loved ones. For I assure you these are beings that do not clock out at the end of the day. They do not rest, and they will never rest until their mission is accomplished. Their mission is the destruction of the United States of America. Their mission is the destruction of the very fabric of our lives. If you have been wondering why the US sends cruise missiles at every location where sources indicate Osama bin Laden is hiding out, you will come to understand the seriousness of the threat which this man represents to the western world as you read this book

When you read of our lives within these pages, perhaps you may find the time to find that most precious of gifts, your family. Mary, the mother of Jesus, wants this of us more than I could ask you to understand. Perhaps when you read through these pages you will understand why.

This book which I have written will likely put Salmon Rushdie a few notches down on the Iranian Mullah's fatwa list. I have written this so that Americans may be shown the truth of how so very close Osama bin Laden, the Palestine Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and ultimately Iran came to successfully initiating global thermonuclear war. Perhaps this book will also lead Americans, and all people on this planet who care about life, who care for their wives and children, about what it means to be human, to rise up and declare that this is enough, to put a stop to these evil people who act in the name of Baal.

© Copyright 1999 by Terrence Jones

All Rights Reserved