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Last Updated 9/30/00 5:34PM Pacific Time

Name: Kevin "Perfect" Booth
Email #1:
Birthdate: September 15, 1977
Location: Springfield, Oregon
Occupation: Food Handler
Rank: NR In World, NR in US, NR In Oregon
Started Solo Missions: May 31st, 2000 (Challenges on 26th)
Favorite Character(s): Undecided
LEAST Favorite Character(s): Jonathan
Favorite Mission: Undecided

Perfect Dark Solo Mission Times
# Level Name A SA PA
1 dataDyne Central - Defection 0:43 4:24 -:--
2 dataDyne Research - Investigation 1:36 9:59 -:--
3 dataDyne Central - Extraction 4:38 12:37 -:--
4 Carrington Villa - Hostage Rescue 1:57 23:21 -:--
5 Chicago - Stealth 0:32 5:25 -:--
6 G5 Building - Reconnaissance 4:14 10:46 -:--
7 Area 51 - Infiltration 2:11 -:-- -:--
8 Area 51 - Rescue 12:59 -:-- -:--
9 Area 51 - Escape 18:48 -:-- -:--
10 Air Base - Espionage 11:53 -:-- -:--
11 Air Force One - Anti-terrorism 8:13 -:-- -:--
12 Crash Site - Confrontation 12:25 -:-- -:--
13 Pelagic II - Exploration 36:37 -:-- -:--
14 Deep Sea - Nullify Threat 5:39 -:-- -:--
15 Carrington Institute - Defence 1:29 -:-- -:--
16 Attack Ship - Covert Assault 8:42 -:-- -:--
17 Skedar Ruins 9:47 -:-- -:--
18 Mr. Blonde's Revenge 6:38 -:-- -:--
19 Maian SOS -:-- -:-- -:--
20 War! -:-- -:-- -:--
21 Duel 0:04 0:10 -:--

*-WR **-WR TIE

"Personal" Comments:

9/30/00- Sterling Nebletts Tape is in, so Defense Agent went down. Too bad I cannot quite do what is seen in that movie quite yet :(. I always have had problems changing weapons. :(. 9/25/Again- Decided to drastically lower more agent times, and I fluked the chicago technique too! Score!

9/25/00- Defection since I forgot to update it needed to go 2 ticks lower cause I felt guilty. Anyhow, all it took is 5 tries for the amazing time I got on the 2nd that is 4 sec from a WR!

9/21/00- Ok, Most of these were set yesterday or today, after the excitement of finally not being SKEDAR-RUINED! LA LA LA! nothing good, but I guess I'll email at least one of you.

6/3/00- Set some "WRS", so I figured I'd be funny and plaster this profile. BTW, the one untied one was set 5:04pm at 6/3/00