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Class Page
MajorMud Classes
Classes are best defined as the characters profession. In MajorMud there are Fighter types (Warrior, Witchunters), Pure Magic types (Priest, Mages, Druids), some who rely on Combat with little spell ability (Paladins, Rangers), those who sneak and backstab for tons of damage (Thieves, Ninjas), some who have a balance of combat and magic (Clerics, Warlocks), others who are stealthy and use magic (Missionaries, Gypsys, Bards), and one that is just too hard to explain (Mystics). Overall, there are 15 classes, each with good and bad points.

Class Name Exp HP Magic Combat Weapon Armor Abilities
Bard 210% 4-7 Bardic Avg 1-H Leather ST, TP, TV, LP
Cleric 220% 4-8 Priest-2 Avg Blunt Any None
Druid 190% 4-7 Druid-3 Fair Blunt Leather None
Gypsy 220% 4-7 Mage-2 Fair 1-H Leather ST, TP, TV, LP
Mage 140% 3-6 Mage-3 Poor Staff Robes None
Missionary 220% 4-7 Priest-2 Fair 1-H Leather ST, TR, LP
Mystic 250% 4-8 Kai Avg Staff Robes ST, MA, EC, D
Ninja 185% 4-8 None Avg Any Ninja ST, D, EC, LP, TP, TK
Paladin 220% 5-9 Priest-1 Good Any Any None
Priest 140% 3-6 Priest-3 Poor Blunt Robes None
Ranger 250% 5-9 Druid-1 Good Any Leather ST, TK
Thief 80% 4-7 None Avg 1-H Leather ST, TV, TP, LP
Warlock 185% 4-8 Mage-2 Avg 1-H Leather None
Warrior 100% 6-10 None Good Any Any None
Witchunter 130% 6-10 None Exc Any Any MR, NMI, AM
ST=Stealth, TP=Traps, TV=Thievry, LP=Lockpicking, MA=Martial Arts, EC=Enhanced Crits, D=Dodge, TK=Tracking, MR=Magic Resistance, NMI=No Magic Items, AM=Anti-Magic