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Hi and welcome to my Halloween Spooks page. If you got here through a webring, my name is Kate and I am a Halloween FREAK! :) I also make web pages. So, since Halloween is my favorite holiday, I figured I should make a Halloween site..

If you've been a visitor to this site for awhile, you probably know that I used to work for Spencer Gifts, and I managed Spirit Halloween Stores in 1999 and 2000. Then, in 2002 I entered a new Halloween venue: Haunting! I worked as much as my schedule would allow as an actor at The 13th Door in Tigard, Oregon. Check out their website for more info!! It was lots of fun. I also got the opportunity to check out some other area haunts, which was great. Last year and the year before it was all I could do just to get my annual Halloween Party up and running in time (we moved to a huge AWESOME house, which just also happens to be haunted, eventually!), so I didn't have time for much else. This year, however, in addition to my annual Halloween Party and doing a Halloween special on my radio show, I will be running the KPSU Haunted House at Portland State University! And now, on to the rest of the site...

All in one link..Here is the Halloween Spooks Photo Album!

Here are some costume ideas; stuff that I have been, stuff I've seen, pics where available.

Here's a link to some great Halloween drink recipes, courtesy of

Here are some More Drink Recipes, courtesy of The Basement Bar.

The most excellent Halloween Music Playlist. Hey I used to be a DJ...
you bet I'm gunna have a music list. ;)

Here's a link to find a Haunted House in your area!

Check out my Ghoulish Recipes page!

Need Decor Ideas? They're just a click (or two) away...

In need of some Terror-Inducing Party Ideas? Check out this link!

Want to make some Fake Blood? Look no further!

Halloween Online

Wolfie's Horror House!

Check out the Halloween Guide!


Free eGreetings & Free eCards

Email me!     Ghosts of Halloween Present Award
  Graphic by..�AngelwithPain..
Thank you Sunset Angel!   Thank you Evil Tool! Thanks Dave!

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Want to link to me? Here's my banner...(thank you EvilTool!)

Save the banner on your computer and link to

Check out my other dark site, Kate's Gothwannabe Page!

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Web Page Design and Maintenance by Kate Garoutte-Smith, Dragonsword Enterprises, 2000-2005
Images from all over the web, listed as free. If one of them is one of yours and you want credit or you
want me to remove it, please email me and I will be happy to oblige.

Last Update 10/11/2005