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That Kind of Girl

This page is currently under construction

Graffiti yo'self on the wall of visitors. Please. I beg of you. It's the only joy I get in life. Please sign the book. Yes. You. I'm talking to you. I want you. I need you. Please sign the book.

Welcome to my lair of evil and debauchery (website). This is where I will post my rants, raves, and other assorted rubbish. I really don't expect this site to be popular or anything, and I don't expect to get more than one or two hits a day, if that. If I expected any more than that, I'd only be setting myself up for disappointment and frustration, now, wouldn't I? I'm doing this mostly for myself, because it's fun, and I enjoy writing anyway. And sharpening my HTML skillz certainly won't hurt, especially for someone so terminally unemployable as myself.

I do not know what to do with this front page. Until I figure that out, this will be the page on which I ramble incoherently (I'm really good at that). Enjoy!

When did we lose hope? <---Introduction.
How to be a happy mutant <---Learn more than you ever wanted to about me.
Society of the Spectacle <--
Musical chairs <--Essential Media Counterculture
The only notes that really count are the ones that come in wads <---My writing.
Notes from the Underground<---Cheap Entertainment
And she's photogenic too. <---Like what you see? Wanna see more? Click here to see some pictures of me acting like I'm having fun while I subtly mask the internal pain.
Donde estas tu miercoles?<--- Links to various people and things.