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The Real Killer of Asmodean
by Caleyna Sedai

Everyone thinks that a forsaken killed Asmo, but I am here to tell you that it was not anyone that we would suspect. Who you ask? Super-Trollocs of course!

What's a Super-Trolloc? Good question. Pay attention and all will be made clear.

As you know, Narg was no ordinary trolloc. He actully spoke to Rand. My theory is that the Dark One has decided to create an army of super-intelligent trollocs that were capable of channeling the True Power. Narg was the product of his early attempts, but later the Super-Trollocs were produced--Narg's younger twin siblings.

The DO's evil plot of creating Super-Trollocs came to fruition in the form of Nerg and Nirg (The mother was obviously NOT a Super-Trolloc). Lanfear saw these two creatures and just had to have them. She begged and pleaded and snivelled and grovelled until the DO finally gave in and rewarded them to her for her faithful service to the dark.

Lanfear and Asmo were cronies, but Lanfear didn't completely trust her forsaken friend (wise move on her part). One day while Asmo was over for tea, she took him into the Super-Trolloc Playhouse and introduced him to Nerg and Nirg, telling him that if anything ever happened to her they would find him and kill him.

That takes us to the day Asmo was killed in the closet. Using the True Power, Nerg and Nirg traced down Asmo, gated to the closet, then killed him. He said "You!" because he couldn't believe that trollocs, even super ones, really could channel the TP. Thus, Asmo was murdered as revenge for Lanfear's death. . .in a way Lanfear murdered him, though she used Super-Trollocs to do it.

All contents of this page are the property of Carrie Badorek, copyright 1999. All theories that were not written by Carrie Badorek are copyrighted by the orginal author. No contents of this page may be copied, reproduced or otherwise used without express permission of Carrie Badorek or the author of the particular theory.