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Theories Revisited--With Some New Twists
by Vandelay

After reading WH I have come to realize that I may have miscalculated many of the events in Randland. I know it is hard to believe, but revisions to my many serious theories must be made.

Now, if I could just remember all my wonderful theories, I could begin the revision process. I know they all relate to the Ogiers since those creatures are just the definition of awesomeness. I think I was a little hasty in stating there were invisible bands of Ogier though. The more I think about it, the more it seems that the bands of invisible warriors just don't exist. Such magnificence creatures would not need to hide from the eyes of the world. Or from the Eye of the World for that matter.

Also, the Return of Lanfear has obviously been greatly miscalculated. Who ever would have guessed that she was *not* going to be the Dot9M? Cyndane. What a simpering fool. If Lanfear is Cyndane, where does that leave Moiraine? I don't know anymore. My theories have been crushed into the ground by the evil boot heel of RJ (ask him for a more detailed description of that particular boot hill--he can probably even give you a full wardrobe description if you are insistent).

Wait! Inspiration has just struck! RJ is channeling through a ghost named Marvin, who is sitting on top of my bookshelf. He is telling me that Moraine will be back in the next book. Tired of waiting for her hubby to be and the scoundrel Matrim, she takes matters into her own hands (have you ever known a patient AS?). She uses all her available power to call upon The Great Ogier in the Sky (better known as The Creator). Being a benevolant, yet lonely, being, he immediatly rescues the trapped Aes Sedai. Only problem is, he doesn't feel like handing Rand an easy victory by handing Rand the one woman he actually needs, so he sticks her on the island of the mad men. Remember, he is benevolent, so he doesn't want to stick her there without protection. He mysteriously snatches up all the Ogier Death Watch guards and instructs them to guard Moraine with their lives. She now has a choice. Plot and scheme and figure out a way back to Randland proper, or become the Queen in the Land of the Mad Men with all her Ogier guards protecting her beautiful palace.

We all know where *that* will lead.


All contents of this page are the property of Carrie Badorek, copyright 1999-2001. All theories that were not written by Carrie Badorek are copyrighted by the orginal author. No contents of this page may be copied, reproduced or otherwise used without express permission of Carrie Badorek or the author of the particular theory.