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Boook 9 Spoilers
by Vandelay

Though many people claim that RJ is not working hard on book 9, it is all a hoax! RJ has had book 9 written for some time now (due in part to the fact that most of it belonged in book 8 but got cut) and I, wonderful spy person, have got my hands on a copy. Since I love you all so much, I will share the major plot points with you.

Mat—the character we most missed in PoD. Yes, he is back. But in a much different capacity than you would expect. He has been taken captive in Seanchan, and is married to the Daughter of the Nine Moons. We find out that being married to the DotNM is not as glamorous as the name would have you believe. The DotNM is really the goddess that the Seanchan worship and dear Matrim has been forced into her service as a priest (aka slave). Part of the service of being married to Dot is that he must be celibate. He is actually a eunuch now (ouch! Bet you are all wishing he just would have lost an eye).

Rand—hero extraordinare. What would the book be without our favorite dragon reborn? Well, good ole’ Randy boy doesn’t do much in this book, other than whine and cry and throw fits. He does learn a lesson from Caddy, but you will never guess what it is. Should I tell? Ok, I guess I will. She teaches him how to bond an Ogier as a warder. The Ogier are amazing creatures and know the secret of getting rid of the taint. All the asha’men bond Ogiers against the Ogiers’ wills, and since the Ogiers don’t want to go insane, they remove the taint from the male half of the source.

Eggy—Our favorite female role model. Poor Eggy is not the brightest crayon on the box, but she does do some good things. In an effort to show all the sisters that she is powerful and can lead them, she decides to host parties every evening. The parties are all a big hit, and even the most dour of AS are impressed with the new karoke machine she brings in. We are still waiting for her to get a clue and figure out that she can communicate with Rand.

Loial—my favorite character. His part in this book is so cool I don’t want to spoil it for you. Lets just say that he and his friends form up an amazing army. They are forced to march against their brothers in the Seanchan death guard. The best scenes in the book.

I hope you enjoyed a preview of things to come. I didn’t touch on everyone because there is just too much to say and I didn’t want to total spoil book 9 for you.

Oh yes, would you like to know the title? The Revenge of the Ogier.

I may be convinced to give you more information later if you clamor for more spoilers.


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