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Wolf Hollow Farm

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Hello, to all critter lovers who visit this site. Let me tell you a little about Wolf Hollow and the critters that reside there(pictures to come later as soon as I take them, get them scanned and uploaded). We are home to rabbits, goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, cats, dogs, and cockatiels.

We are starting to focus on rare and endangered breeds of livestock such as the Shetland sheep. We are also looking into Dexter cattle, large black pigs, and several varieties of rare fowl, such as White Wyandotte or Turken chickens and Royal Palm turkeys(click on links to see examples then click your back button to return here). We are hoping to increase our acreage in the future so that we will have the room for all these projects. Stay tuned for progress reports.


We have the chance to obtain a pair of Vulturene Guinea Fowl. Check out the link for a view of these fascinating and extremely rare birds. The colors are for real. There is a breeder in our area and she will be hatching babies next spring. As soon as she has a pair we can buy from her we are going to obtain them and, hopefully, start breeding them ourselves. Can't wait for that. After you view the pictures you will know why we are so excited.

At Wolf Hollow we raise Standard Rex and French Angora rabbits for show. Please click on the link below to learn more about my rabbits.

We are beginning a herd of La Mancha and Nubian goats. Please visit my goat link below for some pictures and info and more great links.

I also have a pair of Shetland ewes and I am hoping to add a Shetland ram lamb this year and breed the girls to another ram until baby boy gets old enough to do the job. Visit my brand new Shetland sheep page for more information on the breed and my girls.

Great Links

Wolf Hollow's Philosophy
Help Wanted
My Opinion
Rabbit News & Reviews
Goat Page
Shetland Sheep
Recommended Reading
American Livestock Breed Conservancy
American Dexter Cattle Assoc.
Alpaca Owners and Breeders Assoc.

All wolf graphics courtesy of Wolf Graphics

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