A Word From Brenda
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A Word From Brenda

I know a place, a wonderful place
Where the accused and condemned
Find mercy and grace
Where the wrongs we have done
And the wrongs done to us
Were nailed there with Him
There on the cross...

At the cross, (at the cross)
He died for our sin
At the cross, (at the cross)
He gave us life again

~ Going Forward ~

II Corinthians 4 v.8-10
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not dstroyed;
Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.

I lost a very close friendship this week. You may ask what happened? I would have to say, I'm still not really sure. This was a hard hit from the enemy, and I'm still reeling from it. Fighting feelings of anger mixed with sadness, choosing to forgive and let go, rather than to shout out the unfairness of the situation. To know and say all the right things to do, doesn't make those things easy. It is much easier to allow a hardened shell to form over my heart to keep it from becoming hurt like this ever again. But that is not what Jesus would have me to do. Compassion and mercy for others who are hurting can't flow through hearts of stone. The mercy and grace found at the foot of the cross, keeps me going from day to day. Even when I don't want to go anymore. When I'm tired of the fight and want to hide away from this world...God is still God and He is in control.

When I first thought of this site, the words Women In Need Of "Escape" came to my mind. When life would get too tough or I just felt stressed out, I used to get into my car and go for a drive. Thinking I would just keep on going. But I always came back home, took a deep breath, and started over again. Last summer when the Lord placed this site on my heart, I had that feeling in mind...Women looking for an escape, somewhere to run, a place to turn to. Then the Lord spoke to me, "When you wanted to runaway, what was it you were really wanting...?" Peace, of course, we are Women In Need Of Peace. Soldiers of the Cross, Warriors for Christ...but Women just the same. Women who need to know that someone is listening to them when they pray. That God is watching over them and sees every need, every heartbreak and tear.

II Corinthians 4 v.17-18
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

One of the best messages I ever heard given, was from an AGLOW meeting. The Woman made a statement that in this physical world would sound hopeless. Somehow, being able to tie together the battle and the hurt in my life, helped me to make sense of what was going on around me. It brought strength to my spirit, and I hope this does the same for you. She said "You may be going through some hard times right now, and some people may be telling you that it is a lack of faith on your part. That if you just had more faith, all these things would get better, or just go away. Ladies...we are living in the last days!! Things might be hard for you right now, and guess what...they might not get any easier. We are in a battle for lost souls and the enemy wants to take your life. It's time we quit whining about hardships or wondering what we must be doing wrong... This is spiritual warfare, you are on the frontlines, and the only way we are gonna get to "go home" is by fighting till the victory is won!" Praise God!!

Paul wrote about "these light afflictions". I'm starting to call them distractions. The daily hits we take on as a servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. Satan will throw anything at us to keep us from accomplishing the work that God has ordained for us that day. If there is any area of weakness, you can be sure it will be tested. But, let me also say, that it is in our times of weakness, God shows Himself strong! In our brokenness, it's His light that will be showing through. When we stumble and fall, let the world see the forgiveness and restoration that God freely gives to those who seek Him. People will relate to you best, when you are real. We don't have to hide behind a mask. In all these things we are more than conquerors.

As I sought the Lord for what to write, He said "encourage my people to go forward." I looked back on the prayer requests I received this last couple of weeks. So many hurting, struggling with depression and even thoughts of suicide. As we walk through these last days, let me encourage you. The Lord would say to you..."Keep looking ahead and keep moving forward. Keep your eyes on me, as if face to face and watch for my commands, Listen for my voice and be quick to respond."

At the Cross...(at the cross)
You died for our sin
At the Cross...(at the cross)
You gave us life again

Where do I go when I am hurt and wounded? When you feel like running away from it all...where should you run too? Back to the foot of our Saviours Cross. We will find restoration, forgiveness and healing. What is it that I need above all else?...but the Peace of God to rule and reign in my life. Jesus Christ died for our sins, and He IS coming back again, very soon. There is a work that needs to be done, and a very real enemy to defeat. What will our Lord Jesus find on His return? Isn't He coming back for a people who have overcome the enemy by the power of His Blood and by the word of their testimony? We all get hurt sometimes, but God loves us so much. Allow Him to walk you through the valley, and on out the other side! I pray that He finds us working, praying, winning the lost into His Kingdom, and forgiving those who have wronged us,
as He died... forgiving us.


~Collective Writings~
Email: brendaorton@yahoo.com