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A Word From Brenda

Isaiah 31 v.1
Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and depend on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the Lord!

Trusting In Egypt

As I listened to the news, and heard of the possible threat of terrorism in America, I thought more and more of these verses. How quickly one act of violence can change the freedoms we enjoy today. I remember the story of Joseph, and how God placed him in Egypt in order to feed and sustain His people in the years of famine to come. When the Israelites were in the dessert, Egypt became a "fond memory" of a place where they at least had food, water and a roof over their heads. Egypt was a place of bondage to them, but they had come to trust in it. The strength of Egypt, its military power, agriculture and the river, all a source of life. Egypt was able to meet their needs, maybe even better than God!?! Trusting in Egypt, or better said today, trusting in America. Where is are trust? Are we trusting in an "Egypt"... in a person or place of refuge, other than the Lord our God? Is your trust in the way things appear to be now... and not in the way God declares them to be? Either in a situation, or in a physical place? I was. The thought of leaving the "safety" of my own country to go to a foreign land as a missionary scared me. It occured to me that not only would I be one of very few Christians, but an American besides... Not the safest combination to be in the Middle East right now! Do you want to live your life for God?...Yes! Do you want Him to be your Healer, Provider and Friend?...Absolutely! Oh Really? When it came time for me to actually let go of everything I found comfort and safety in, I found out just where my trust had been. In a country, a name, military power....sound familiar? As the rich young man found in Luke 18 V.18-30, he couldn't let go. Possibly, he thought that it was just too much for God to ask of him. His trust was in good works and in his bank account. I want to be sold out for Jesus!! But,I will never find the Christ centered life I desire to live, as long as my center is on myself.

Last summer I was thrown into a situation. It happened to me suddenly, and betrayal seemed to come from within my closest circle. One phone call changed our lives. Before this, I had said things like: If that ever happened to me, I would...or, the next time, I'll do this and I'll do that. Well, all of those options I hung onto were suddenly taken away. Every phone call, every direction I tried to take, a dead end. Stranger still, the "enemy" seemed to have access to ALL of those things, not me! I didn't fully turn to God untill I had tried every last thing I could think of. Crying all the while. Each call told me what I knew in my heart long before my mind could accept. God had allowed me to be put in a box, and the only way out was going to be by His Hand. Simple faith.

Isaiah 30 v. 1-3
Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that seek advice, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin:
That walk to go down into Egypt, and have not prayed for guidance; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt!
Therefore shall the strength of Pharoah be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion.

My eyes were not on the provision of God, they only knew the provision of Egypt. A lesson I had to learn. The very thing I put my trust in became the thing that caused me to fear. The things that we work so hard for and plan and dream of for so many years can all be gone in a moment. Our marriages, our health, jobs and retirement. How quickly our lives can change. The Bible teaches us hat we will face adversity and great persecution in the last days. I hear about it all the time, but it seems so far away. Not only in distance but in time. Something that only happened to the early church. I wonder if I could ever hold up given the same test. I do believe that this is what's happening to us in the body of Christ today. We are being tested and trained for a time when all of those things that we were going to do, or say...or any thing that we have put our trust in will be taken away. We'll be left with nothing to hang onto. Nothing, but our faith in God. Faith in His Word, that we have been hiding deep into our hearts. Faith in His Spirit, that dwells in us, speaking direction into our every step. America is a great nation. America, is also consumed with sin. The God who judged the nations from the beginning of time, will surely judge this one as well. I have come to believe, that the safest place for me to be, is directly in the center of Gods will.

Last summer I had no other choice but to return to God and seek His Soverign hand for help. Once I did, I was much quieter about what I would or would not do...or thought I could do. His confidence became my strength. I made it through and came out victorious, Praise God! But I want to come to that place of total rest and dependence in Him. As my first choice and not after days and weeks of stress and tears. It is my desire, to walk in such a place of total obedience, that He would guide me through any storm. Trusting in Egypt?...Trust only in the Lord. He alone is God, He alone is in control.

Isaiah 30: 15
For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength:
and ye would not.


~Collective Writings~