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Amethyst (formerly known as Alayna) and Tori Drawing courtesy of Feonix.
Please do not use with out permission.

Tori Signature

~Tori's Realm~

In Memory of Kevin Smith, who died February 15th, 2002 after having suffered head injuries while working on a film in Beijing.

Friendship Pixie - Enchanted Hollow Adoptions      To Tori, From Amethyst

Surprise!!!  A little gift to you from me!!  Luv'n'hugs, Amethyst
Gabby's Designs

Image Copyright © Jonathon Earl Bowser. Used with permission.

My Links

  Tori's Bon Jovi Site   
Herculean Dreams
Tori's Mag Seven page
Tori's Birthday - 1999
Tori's Birthday - 2000

My thanks to Amethyst for all her help in doing this page and my other pages. I couldnt do it with out you

Images are courtesy of:

Please do not use without permission.

JEB Webring Home
This Jonathon Earl Bowser Webring site
is owned by Tori's Realm.

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The kewl signature of my name above was made for me by:
Deb's Web Creations
Visit Deb's site to order your own signature.

February 11, 2003

© copyright1999-2003 Tori