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Macho Man Randy Savage


Savage started out in the WWF as The "Macho King" accompanied by his lovely Valet Miss Elizabeth. He captured the I.C Title and later lost it to the great Ricky Steamboat. Then at Wrestlemania 5 The Macho Man defeated Ted Dibease to become The WWF Champion (Thanks to Hogan.Then he went on to capture the Tag Team Titles w/ Hulk Hogan, Later Savage got jealous and turned on him. When the Macho Man lost the title to Hogan at Wrestlemania 8, He changeed his name to the Macho Man and then beat Ric Flair to become the WWF Champ once again. Then he lost it to Ric Flair.

Later Savage's contract was up and he went to the WCW. He started out by winning World War 3 and became a Tag Team partner with Hogan. Later Hogan turned on Savage to start the nWo. Savage became furious and feuded with Hogan, After being defeated by Hogan, Savage joined the nWo. When Kevin Nash got sick of the nWo Savage helped Nash form the nWo Wolfpac. Where he won the WCW World Title (Later lost it to Hogan). Then he turned on the nWo but to form Team Mafdness with Medusa, Miss Madness and his NEW Valet Gorgeos George. He later won the title from Nash. That is about it for the Macho Man

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