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Well, its been awhile since my last commentary. I'm not sure why because I have lots of things to say, but just haven't gotten around to it. Even though I've started this one, I still don't know what I'm going to talk about. Maybe I'll just ramble a bit...if for no other reason than to satisfy myself. Here goes...

Another Kennedy tragedy!! JFK Jr. this For an elite guy he seemed pretty down to earth. GEORGE was a fairly interesting magazine...for a liberal ragsheet. While I'm not a bit shocked that the mainstream newsmedia is providing alot of coverage of the accident...and would be surprised if they didn't cover it in detail, its just one more example of the shallowness of our press. Many other people died today for one reason or another, but not much press about these events. I know, "ordinary" deaths aren't "news," but that depends on who is affected by it. We're such a sensationalist country...such a pity we waste so much time on the trials and tribulations of the elite. Still...I'm sorry that this happened to Jr.

The big news to me is starting to advertise my own "Speaking Services." I've got all the details in the Speaking Services room...I'm very excited about trying this. I know I have the ability to speak to others, I've done it for some time as a teacher...hardly ever failing to get the attention of the listeners. I want this to be a component of my from which I can generate some income on which to survive. I'm hoping there are groups, big and small, out there who would like something different to listen to and consider. Until I can get established...with a list of "credits" I can refer to...I want to be very affordable. While I want to make some money, I primarily want to speak to people about the troubles of our society...I want to revolutionize as many people as I can. Oh well, as I said above, I'm just rambling!!

Prisons are on my mind these days. I have extensive experience teaching in prisons and I have an opportunity right now for a job working with "transitional" inmates...those who will be getting out in the relatively near future. I'll find out next week, hopefuly, if I got the job or not. I'm also working as a volunteer with another group about the same transitional emphasis. See, to me its a very practical matter...this reality that most inmates will get out of prison one day. The % is somewhere around 85-90%. We worry so much about recidivism, but the general public just likes to "lock them up and throw away the key." Again, MOST will get the practical question is...what kind of individuals do we want when they return to the so-called "good" society? It's rather plain that mere punishment doesn't change anyone...that's why we are so concerned about repeat offenses. Some have said to me that I'm a bleeding heart. No, I went through that phase long ago. Yes, I'm a humanist who believes that we must reach out to matter who they are or what they've done. But, again...its a practical matter to me...not a "warm fuzzy" idea. We lock people up, institutionalize them (i.e. make them follow patterns of behavior which strips them of personal decision-making), treat them like scum...and then let them out and expect them to act responsibly "on the street." Right!!! The "law and order" crowd has taken away their educational programs and even their weights. We treat inmates with an attitude of disdain and then expect them to have some respect for authority. Wow. What a half-ass-backwards approach. I could go on but I won't. I've made my point and I'll leave it at that...for now. However, I encourage you to go to the Prison Issues Room and explore some of the links there. You might learn that people can "care" about inmates without "excusing" them for anything. I neither condone nor condemn them...I take them where they are, literlly and figuratively, and ask them to move forward.

I continue to have no respect for Clinton or any leader of NATO. NATO itself is still a joke...a serious one, yes, but a joke nonetheless. Peacekeepers? My ass!!! What we're doing over there is a disgrace, but power is power and we'll continue to see NATO exert its own...for its own sake. The Tribunal has refused to indict NATO or any of its leaders...oh what a surprise!!! The lies continue and so does the hypocrisy...and they're doing it in our faces.

Well, that's about it for now. I've picked out a few things I hope are of interest to someone besides myself. Meanwhile, I'll work on writing a more definitive commentary on a particular subject for later this week. Thanks, DHK