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Constructive Conflict

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The following jpg image portrays suggestions for constructive conflict. They counter the hypocritical "conflict taboo" of our society. Although told that conflict is "bad" and should, if it happens, be hidden in some closet (especially away from kids), we all know that conflict happens quite regularly. These suggestions can help individuals and couples of all kinds to better deal with their differences. Although written for marital couples or partners, these ideas apply, I believe, to any kind of conflict arising from multiple types of interactions. I have found that they provide a common ground for individuals in conflict when gone over together. They can spawn honest discussion of a relationship...if, of course, both individuals are willing to examine their relationship.

This list is from Families & Intimate Relationships by Gloria Bird and Keith Melvile...NY: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1994, p. 304.

15 Suggestions for Constructive Conflict