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About The Sociology Shop

About The Sociology Shop


It's been a couple of weeks since my last commentary, so I thought I'd better get something up here. I've been doing alot of thinking lately...especially about The Sociology Shop itself. Although my "hit count" won't be mistaken for "high volume," I've been doing pretty well by my standards. I'm averaging 7 hits a day on the Front Page. Last week I had 81 hits there and 160 on the other pages. The week before it was 49 and 89, respectively. Given that I don't have a big promotion endeavor, the volume I have is gratifying.

I've also noticed that I'm getting some repeat visitors...people coming back to explore more links. This too is gratifying because it means I'm actually "talking" to someone who appreciates what the TSS has in it. In addition, while there's always a certain amount of "quick visits," more and more people are staying longer and viewing a number of pages while here. A clientele is developing.

The gist of all this is that TSS is growing and becoming more and more useful to more and more people. Although few have let me know what they're looking for when they visit (i.e. see Question for my Visitors on Front Page), a pattern is emerging. The top visited room is the Fromm Room. Second is the Articles Room...followed by the Sociology Room, the Sociological Thinking Tools Room, and the Library and Reading Rooms. This leads me to want to add more to time permits.

I have recently added two new rooms. The first, "Future" Science Fiction Room, contains a list of "future" books and links to them or their authors. I had this material in the Library but decided to create a room by itself for it. I have more links to add and I'll be doing so very soon. The second new room is the International Room. I have links there connecting to the sites and/or domains of international visitors to TSS. I got the idea from a Professor from Spain...he wrote and asked if I'd like to link to his page. Since my counters...from Site Meter...tell me the origin of the visitors (some clickable and some not), I went back and found quite a few. This is my way of saying thanks to these international visitors and I hope to develop this room further.

Another change is the renaming of the Prison Issues the Criminology Room. The material in there will soon reflect this broader focus...keeping the links about prisons, but adding general criminological links and materials.

Other changes planned are: Combining the Library and the Reading Room. I will reorganize the materials in these rooms for better and quicker access. Also, I want to add a room about Inequality...especially about Race, Gender, and Work. But what I want to do most of all is add more material to existing rooms...especially Conceptual Tools and Critical Thinking rooms. I'm getting quite a few visitors to these rooms and they quite clearly need more attention from me.

However, the biggest news is about starting to teach informal courses (4-6 weeks night per week...probably 2 hrs each night). Since employment in academia isn't likely right now...and...since I miss teaching and being with other people who like and want to learn, I've decided to start doing it informally for the public. I plan to create a "TSS Courses" Room soon. I have various course topics in mind...such as:

Science Fiction and the Future

Thinking Skills for Life

Criminal Justice and Prisons

American Government for the Few

Why Religion?

Toasters, Shoes, and Crime

Drugs and Drug Use in America

These are just some of the ideas I'm rumbling around...there are many others possible. For now I'll start in the Eugene/Springfield area of Oregon...maybe expanding to other locations as time goes on. Advertising in this area isn't that difficult, especially with the U of Oregon right here. I'm very excited about all this and I hope it can grow...I believe it will.

Although the courses will be in a physical location, I plan to utilize The Sociology Shop for them. I'll need to greatly expand some rooms...providing materials for reading and discussion purposes. Thus, access to the Internet will be home, work, or someplace like a library. I'm looking forward to getting started...hopefully in early October. Eventually, I'd like to offer some informal courses TSS...but for now I'll work on getting people to meet each week somewhere in the area.

Well, this "commentary" has turned out quite different than I thought it would at the start. I guess its kind of an "update" on TSS...for those interested. I keep looking at other sociological sites, admiring them and choosing which ones to put in TSS. As I say in the What is TSS section, I don't want to merely duplicate other sites...I want to do my own thing...I hope I'm succeeding. And...while I'm at it...I have many sites ready to put in TSS...its just time to do it that's the problem. I make promises and then don't carry through as much as I'd like. But, I'll keep keeping on. Any suggestions and comments are welcomed...Thanks for listening.

David H. Ke
