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Shiba Inu Rescue
S.O.S. Save Our Shibas
Adoption Contract

Name of Dog:_____________________________________________
Age: ______
Sex: M F (all dogs are either spayed or neutered)
Description of dog:
Coat color: _______________________ other_______________________
Chip #: __________________________ tattoo #: _____________________

Name of new owner: _________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ______________________________________________________
Phone: home ( )________________ work: ( )_________________

I have considered this Shiba Inu/Shiba mix, and wish to adopt it into my home. I understand that: _____________________________________, the S.O.S. rescue volunteer who is placing this dog, desiring that it have a kind and loving home for the remainder of its natural years, has stated the following conditions:

1.) This Shiba Inu/Shiba mix is not to run loose, or otherwise be a nuisance to the neighborhood. When exercising this dog, I will restrain it within a fenced area or on a suitable long line or leash.
2.) This Shiba Inu/Shiba mix is to be taken to a veterinarian of my choosing for examination and administration of necessary vaccinations at my earliest opportunity but not less than ten days from this date.
3.) I will obtain any necessary municipal licenses in order to prevent this Shiba Inu/Shiba mix from being in violation of city requirements.
4.) I will allow the above named S.O.S. rescue volunteer, or any other S.O.S. assigns, to examine and inquire about this Shiba Inu/Shiba mix at any time, and I will relinquish this dog without recourse immediately should I violate the preceding conditions.

Further, I understand and agree that ______________________________________, as an individual and the Shiba Inu Rescue (S.O.S.), cannot guarantee the health, temperament, training or suitability of this Shiba Inu/Shiba mix for any particular purpose. In the event that, at any time, I become unable to care for and keep this dog, I agree to contact the above named volunteer, and return this Shiba Inu/Shiba mix to that volunteer. Finally, I understand that I may contact the volunteer at any time should I have questions about this dog, including but not limited to its care, training, and behavior.

By my signature, I signify that I have read these stipulations, have received a copy, and I understand and accept the rights and obligations involved in taking this dog into my life and home.

(Signature of new owner) (Date)

I am donating $___________, payable to S.O.S., Shiba Inu Rescue, to help with the cost of rescuing and placing Shiba Inu/Shiba mixes.

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