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These pages can be copied and used by anyone who wishes to do Shiba (or any other breed) rescue:

Shiba Inu Rescue Documents

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Shiba Inu Rescue
S.O.S. Save Our Shibas
Terms of Adoption

1. Dog may be returned to S.O.S. within two weeks of the above date for a full refund of above specified payment if the adopter is not satisfied with any aspect of the adoption. After two weeks from the above date, no refund will be given Return: The above designated, even if the dog is returned to S.O.S.
2. Transfer of ownership: The above-designated dog may not be transferred to any person for any reason. If the undersigned adopter is forced to relinquish custody of the dog at any time, S.O.S. would like first option to assist in placing the dog in another home.
3. Refund: There will be no refund or reimbursement for any expenses incurred by the adopter for the above-designated dog, even if returned to S.O.S.
4. Health Program: The above-designated dog will be cared for humanely, including adequate food, shelter, water, and veterinary care, and will be licensed in accordance with the laws in the jurisdiction in which s/he resides. The dog is to be exercised in a fenced yard or on a leash and not to be free to roam the street.
5. Reason for Adoption: The above-designated dog is to be kept as a house pet; it shall not be used for medical or any other experimental purposes.
6. Loss: If the above-designated dog is lost or stolen, the adopter will notify S.O.S. within three (3) days.
7. Reservation of Rights: S.O.S. reserves the right to enforce this contract in order to protect the welfare of the above-designated dog.

We are here to help if you have any problems with your rescue dog. Call us before you get frustrated!

Name & address of rescue:

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