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Story's of the Strange

This page is a place for people that have had strange things happen to them to tell other people. I will post anything you send me as long as it fits under my sites interests. Aliens, UFO's, The Government, Conspiricys, MIB, Bigfoot... and more. So E-mail me your story's a

The videotape of a dark gray saucer shot in Mexico City on August 6, 1997 is now available for viewing on the Internet as a Quicktime movie. On October 16, ufologist Fernando Camacho contacted a friend in Mexico who owned a MacIntosh AV computer. Camacho's friend translated the color 35-second video into a Quicktime movie. According to Camacho, the video was first aired on Mexican television on September 28 on the "Tercera Milenio" (Third Millenium) show. The broadcast was repeated the following Sunday, October 5. The Quicktime movie, Camacho said "is of good quality and lasts for about 60 seconds. Its size is 4.4 megabytes." According to CNI News, the videotape shows "a saucer-like object between 35 and 50 feet in diameter; the object is located approximately 1,200 yards from the camera; the object is rotating in a counter-clockwise motion; and it seems to have some kind of 'cylinders' attached to the flange, the center- line of the disk, that rotate with the flange in counter- clockwise motion. These do not appear to be portholes or lights but rather something that is attached."

Click the U.F.O. to see the video
