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Roc: Rudiment of Colin

A quick but very important reminder:

I strongly urge you to e-mail me so I know you've been here!

You are number

to come to my site! Yahoo!!!

Some links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages

Free Guestbooks

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School Stuff of Colin

If you want to be advertised, click here!

A group called Leviathan

Entertainment place for Colin with comics, etc.

Welcome to Colin's Home Page: Rudiment. If you don't know that Rudiment means, look it up! I am a student in Eugene and my hobbies are computer related. Explore this site at your own will, and send me feedback.

This site last updated 12/22/97 3:28 P.M.


This is not my first home page, so it is not that bad. look around this site and explore links. If you have feedback, or you want your page to be advertised in this site, e-mail me.

Remember to sign my Guestbook! E-mail me at!


LinkExchange Member

Your being here is grateful. I fulfilled my goal of having my counter go beyond 100.
Now I am setting a new goal: to get the counter shown below to go beyond 1,000 by the end of 1998!
It seems crazy, but I would like to try. Help me accomplish this goal by coming here everyday to see the new changes, and tell others about this radical site!
Be sure you signed my guestbook!

You are number

to come to my site! Yahoo!!!

You are charged: $ for visiting my site.

Just kidding

Thank you. Come again.

or higher recommended for optimum results for this site.

This page is copyright 1997 of Colin Chun. The use of meterial on this site must be requested and received in the form of written consent.

Click on my name to e-mail me or if you want to do it manually, my address is Colin Chun