The Original Oath (you willin' to take it?)

Any type of job you take comes with a promise...whether that's to your employer, or those you work with. But I'd be willing to bet that in all of the contracts you've had to sign, you've never had to swear by anything like this!! As follows this is a copy of the original pledge that a Pony Express rider had to read and sign.

I do hereby swear, before the Great and Living God, that during my engagement, and while I am an employee of Russell, Majors & Waddell, that I will, under no circumstances, use profane language; that I will drink no intoxicating liquors; that I will not quarrel or fight with any other employee of the firm, and that in every respect I will conduct myself honestly, be faithful to my duties, and so direct all my acts as to win the confidence of my employers. So help me God.

Now with the official signing out of the way, and the rider being hired, he was given several things; a lightweight rifle, a Colt revolver, a bright red flannel shirt, blue trousers, a horn, and a Bible. They were then assigned to the part of the trail that they knew best, and given more instructions.

Reguardless of weather, lack of rest, or personal danger to himself, the mail must be delivered. The rider must immediately carry it over his route at the fastest speed his mount could endure. Two minutes were allowed for changing horses at a relay. To carry mail on schedule was his duty; to carry it safely was his trust.

A part of this information was collected from Ralph Moody's book, Riders of the Pony Express.

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