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Pics of Me
(and some other peoples too)

Well, hopefully since I logged in and changed something, Angelfire won't erase everything like they did on 3 other pages of mine.. Some pics of meAnd hey, I love messing with digital camera (and so does Mary) so I gots lots of them on there. So if you feel like looking at me alot, go ahead on in. :Þ
My friend Maggie Self explanatory
Some pics of my friend Mary
Mary and Jeremy best friends forever...!
My little bro, James I only have one so far, but here he is
Me and Maggie Well, I've known Maggie for like, 15 years now, all my life, she's really cool, though I don't see her as much any more. :P No excuse except for no time...:*( Oh, well, at least we got these. I hate the pics of me, btw.
My Internet Buds Well, this is by NO means all of them...I have many more, and the ones that I don't have a pic of, I'm gonna make later and there are some more with pics, I just gotta ask if I can use them, but here's what I gots so far.
My Backpack Aight, well, this, my dear friends, is my backpack. As stupid as it sounds, yes I have pics of my backpack online. I've put a lot of time into it, and I bring it with me everywhere. Go see it, it's cool. It's viewing is highly recommended.

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