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Oregon Wolf's Den

Endangered Animals:

In the twentieth century, extinctions are often likely to be the result of human activity.
Rural landfills take in urban garbage, open land is blacktopped, factories produce toxins as by-products, and engineers alter waterways.
In the tropical forests, the clearing of forests for farming, housing developments, and cattle grazing has contributed to the extinction of numerous species.
These and other activities all have a direct impact on the ecosystems that support animal life.
Although there are natural extinctions of organisms, an increased awareness of the impact of human activities and of the fragile links of interdependence among all of Earth's creatures may eventually allow extinctions to level off.
The wolf is just one of many animals on the endangered species list.

Endangered Species Home Page

In the web of life, man is a newcomer.
He arrived on the scene with the omnivorous habits of a racoon, the ambition of a beaver to move the earth and stop the waters and the unique cleverness of the human primate to invent tools for building and weapons with which to kill game and destroy any competitive meat eaters

Untill the last half century, few americans worried about the loss of wilderness or of it's wildlife.
From Daniel Boone to Lewis and Clark to the California 49ers and Buffalo Bill, the pioneers shot their way across the continent, the railroad builders lived of the great bison herds of the plains, and by 1900 the army and the buffalo hunters had killed off the rest, except for a last few individuals.
The present herds are the descendants of those survivors, 21 in the U.S and a small herd in Canada - all that remained in place of an estimated population of 60 million animals in 1600.
In the eastern united states, many species are regionally extinct or nearly so - wolves and cougars, wapiti and moose.
In the last hundred years North America has lost 20 species, more than Europe has lost in the past 1,000 years.

The ancient prejudice of man against the predator, which is world-wide, as strong in the herdsman on the Russian steppe as in the cowboy on the plains of Texas- Ignores the root cause of the trouble, misuse of the land itself.

Nothing in nature is certain except change - but natural change usually is slow and almost unnoticeable.
Modren industrial needs have led to the quick destruction of habitats that have evolved over immense peroids of time, each habitat in balance with others and with the whole of the natural world.
On a global scale, there is an acceleration of change now taking place which has never been witnessed before, nor are its consequences fully understood.

Each animal species in itself represents a unique combination of genes, never to be repeated when once extinct.

Like all forms of life that manage to survive, man has the capacity to adapt himself to the changing conditions of his environment, but man also has the ability to change, control and adapt the environment to his needs
How wisely is mankind using that awesome power ?

Photo's of Oregon

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