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Welcome To Cinnamon's Home Page

My Purple People Eater 98 Honda Civic. Go check it out I love my car.

Check out some of my role play stuff. I have some cool picture links to go to.

Everyone thought this picture was very cute when we were getting it taken. It is of me and the 3 guys that are seniors in my section of the marching band. Well all the seniors in my section. *G* They are (from the left) Chris, Me, the guy I was hanging over his name is Paul and, and on the other end is Bryan.

It is my old school marching band uniform. The pic turned out really good. *BAS* It is from my Junior year. I now own that uniform the jacket dickie and my hat...I wore the jacket for all 4 years...only thing is senior year we got new uniforms and in the above picutre is the new uniforms we had gotten.

Oh I will try to add more pics and put up some of my friends if I can get some *S* so be on the look out for new pics of friends.

Hi everyone thanks for looking at my site.

Hi again here are my main list of links check them all out.

You will find a link there to all the pictures I have scanned and have on the net.

Hey check out my school's home page, of what things they have on it so far. Click here to go to the North Salem High School Home Page Click here to go to the North Salem High School Home Page

The picture I put in the year book for my Senior year.

I think I'll tell you some about myself I'm 19 female born May 24th 1982 *S* I'm a Gemini *S* 5'8", blonde, blue/gray eyes. Cinnamon is my real name, scary huh? I played trumpet and when I was in high school did two marching bands I sing and can play many other instruments. I love music and my animals my family has 6 cats and 3 horses. Plus I love my friends and to talk to my friends. click here to go to my scans page.

I love to meet many people and just talk to new people that's one of the good things about being in a competitive band that travels I get to meet new people from all over.

My adopted a baby dragon here he is his name is Earthfire. Ain't he a cute dragon. Sign My Guestbook Get your own FREE Guestbook from htmlGEAR View My Guestbook

Click here to go to my summer marching bands home page Hope you all enjoy my web page check out more and don't forget to sign my guest book on your way out.