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Vigilante Farms


Big news -- we're back in TROT! It's been about two years since we left the TROT scene, but we're back, with a vengence. There have been some changes around here in that time period, but we're still solid. To catch up on these changes, I recommend visiting the Crew and Horses pages... those are where most of the changes have occurred. We're very sorry to say that over the past two years we have lost a few good crew members, and quite a few good horses. But these things happen, and on we go. We're still in Victoria, Australia; we still live in the same shabby little flat; we're still infamous for our spontenaity and insanity; and we're still known as the Vigilante Cowboys. All in all, it's been a good two years, but we're ready to get back into the game. Many thanks to our mate Jilian for her help in accomplishing this. Are you ready for us?

Last updated August 22, 2002

To the TROT Steeplechase Association
To the TROT Youth Association
Top-of-site painting by Lynne McIntosh;