¥òÿó ¢hè¢k í† Öû‡ Hey everyone. Click in the top frame and watch. Pretty cool huh. Now click again, watch, and click once more. Awesome isn't it!!!

Yo Wasup Peeps

Wasup Peeps

Yo Click Here To Listen to a Cool to the MAX Song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Free Songs and Images!!!!!!!!!!!!(Nothing nasty, though.)
Angelfire - Free Home Pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Free AOL Progzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aol Netfind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again.

By the way, do you like the songs? The songs with the plus before the name are the songs that I made with a program on my computer. The s o n g that IS called ++ComeOver is the Song That MY friend made. You SHOULD be able to tell that I DIDN'T make it by comparing it with the OTHER songs that I made.The song that's Called +++JoJo is the song that my friend JoJo made. You should be able to tell that he made it, Also.

The rest of the songs are just songs that I have collected. My personalfavoritesong is MuddyWaters.
E-mail me and let me know what you think of them!!!!!!!!

Click Here ~~~~~~~> <~~~~~~~ To Checkout my OTHER Webpage.

MuddyWaters is the song that's playing.

Isn't this too cool????!!!!

Click here to listen to a to the MAX song.

You are to visit my friends webpage at any time!!!!

If you Think you are a You BETTER Click on it.

Hey yo Click on this to here An AWESOME song!!!!!

Hey check it out!!!! Awesome isn't it. Click here this is AWESOME!!! <~~~(never figured out why this one didnt work!!)

Click here this is AWESOME!!!

This is TOO Cool!!!!

The Time is:

Ohh what's that? You Say you can't read that? Maybe this is better.

Hey check it out. You can talk to yourself!!!!!!!

Type something in the BELOW text area and click the button next to it. It will automatically send what ever you say in the text area to me!!!! (just say yes to the messages that appear.)


You can send a message to me in code incase someone is watching you and you don't want them to see what you say. Or you can just send it if you feel like sending it in code!!!!!

Click in the below area ONLY ONCE and watch what happens!!!!!!

Hiya Buddy!!!! Wasup Dude!!!! Dudeman Coolio!!!!
Hiya Buddy!!!! Wasup Dude!!!! Dudeman Coolio!!!!

Yo Muh ToonzBook No Longer Exists!!!! They Took their site down yo!! so Jus Check it At Muh G Funk Guestbook Aright!!! Aright Yo Check it,, im made a New One Yo since Dat One did Work.., So Sign Dis One Now!!!

fool, you be da person to visit
(June or July 1999)

(Unique Hits Yo!!!)

Email: Who Be Da Bomb@aol.com

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